Reference no: EM13747159
1. What was Freud a founder of? What are the principal tools of this therapeutic method?
2. What did he publish in 1900? What three parts did Freud's model of psyche consist of?
3. Who was Carl Jung?
4. What recurring Kafka themes do you see in The Metamorphosis?
5. What details in this story establish a sense of reality? Of un-reality? Of fear?
6. In a stream of consciousness novel what is the action developed through?
7. What is the universal symbol of modern condition seen in Munch's The Scream?
8. What two Modernists groups of German Expressionism emerged? What did the artists of the two groups share in style?
9. What was Chirico's envisioned style of metaphysical?
10. What does Dada mean?
11. What gospel did these artists spread? What was Dada art a product of? What revolutionary notion did Duchamp's Fountain introduce to art? Why was this piece art?
12. Who was the godfather of Surrealism? What did he proclaim in the Manifesto?
13. What did the artwork of Salvador Dalí and Magritte elicit?
14. What Surrealist film did Dalí create? What are the dominant motifs of this film?
15. Who was Frida Kahlo?
16. What did her artwork reflect? What two things did her paintings bring to life?
17. What image did photomontage offer?
18. How did photomontage change the history of the film? Name five different images found in Hannah Höch's Cut With the Kitchen Knife.
19. How was the Freudian impact on music evident?
20. What themes were incorporated?