Reference no: EM131796998
Quiz Assignment - Select the one correct answer for the following question statements.
Part A -
Q1. Which of the following is NOT a kind of Machiavellian behaviour?
Protect your reputation at all costs.
Prey upon people's hopes and dreams.
Put the needs of followers ahead of your own.
Spy on your followers and take advantage of their weaknesses.
Do not ever trust your colleagues or followers.
Q2. Which of the following is NOT a dimension of power?
Power cannot be destroyed it can only be re-distributed.
Controlling the Rules of Engagement.
Controlling what is Truth.
Controlling the means of production.
Open Conflict or Debate.
Q3. Which of the following is NOT a base of power?
Group Power
Reward Power
Expert Power
Philosphical Power
Dynamic Power
Q4. Which one of the following influence tactics is more likely to bring long term commitment from followers?
Elevating Ambition
Emotional Engagement
Q5. Which of the following conflict modes best describes the behaviour that is most likely to produce a result that will meet both your own needs and those with whom you are in conflict?
Q6. Which element of leadership can best be described as ABSENT in Dark-side leadership?
Acting for the common good.
Acting for themselves.
Lack of concern for others.
Lack of concern for the organization.
Putting profit ahead of the environment.
Q7. This question is based on our Module 3 core reading.
Einarsen et al's (2007) model of destructive and constructive leadership behavior, divided leader behavior into four categories.
Which four categories listed below are correct?
Constructive, Unsupportive-Loyal, Derailed and Tyrannicalan.
Constructive, Supportive-Disloyal, Derailed and Tyrannical.
Constructive, Supportive-Disloyal, Derailed and Oppressive.
Constructive, Supportive-Disloyal, Unsupportive-Loyal and Tyrannical.
Supportive-Loyal, Unsupportive-Loyal, Derailed and Tyrannical.
Part B -
Q1. Which of the following abilities does NOT comprise a dimension of emotional intelligence?
Emotional perception and identification.
Emotional self-management.
Reasoning about emotions through emotional appraisal, labelling and language.
Emotional resilience.
Use of emotional information in thinking.
Q2. Which of the following is NOT a key component or skill required in the use of social intelligence?
The ability to express oneself in social interactions.
Knowledge and understanding of social roles, norms and scripts.
Technical mastery of all industry regulations.
Interpersonal problem solving skills.
Social role playing skills.
Q3. Which of the following is NOT one of the five practices described by Albrecht (2006) as being required to master social intelligence?
Situational Awareness
Q4. Which one of the following statements is True? The part of the communication process that provides confirmation to the leader that their message has been received and understood is:
The leader has an idea they wish to convey.
The leader encodes the idea into a message.
The leader chooses a communication medium in which to transmit the message.
The follower receives and decodes the message.
The follower provides feedback to the leader that confirms they understand the message.
Q5. Which one of the following statements is True? According to Fitzsimmons and Callan (2016), the most important stakeholders that provide the greatest social capital to CEOs is:
Colleagues in other offices or divisions.
Previous colleagues, especially those with whom they had shared success.
Industry associations upon which they had served.
Community, school or not-for-profit committees upon which they had served.
University or school alumni.
Q6. This question is based on our Module 4 core reading.
According to Day (2000), which of the following statements is FALSE?
Leader Development and Leadership Development are complementary.
Leader Development and Leadership Development are different concepts.
Leader Development and Leadership Development are mutually exclusive.
Leader Development and Leadership Development are about human and social capital.
Leader Development and Leadership Development are important organizational activities.
Part C -
Q1. Which of the following is NO what values statements need to provide?
Uses catchy industry jargon - lots of buzz words that customers seem to like.
Boundaries for action - what we permit to happen or not to happen.
Agreements for performance - how will we go about interacting with each other.
Commitments to organizational and personal growth - promises of what we will do as well as well as what we will not do in pursuit of growth.
Frameworks to create context - the conditions we set for being and working together.
Q2. Which of the following IS an moral courage?
Following your boss's instructions when you fell they may harm another.
Acting on gossip from a colleague.
Taking responsibility for a mistake.
Accepting praise for work you did not do.
Letting others take the blame for your mistake.
Q3. Without suffering extreme adversity, what is the best way to develop resilience?
Read about the trials and tribulations of past great leaders.
Ask a friend or colleague to describe adversity that they have had to overcome.
Undertake assignments that you know will test and challenge you.
Take up a strenuous exercise regime.
Manage stress and make sure you get regular medical checkups.
Q4. Which of the following is NOT a way of embedding a vision within an organization?
Role modelling behaviour to communicate values and assumptions.
Recruiting and promoting those who share the vision.
Allocating resources towards areas most aligned to the vision.
Maintaining old systems until new ones aligned to the vision become popular.
Rewarding those who move toward the vision.
Q5. According to Mintzberg (2008) which of the following is/are definitional elements of strategy?
Strategy as a Plan - A consciously intended course of action or guidelines to deal with a situation.
Strategy as a Ploy - A specific manoeuvre intended to outwit an opponent or competitor.
Strategy as a Pattern - A pattern in a stream of actions, a consistency in behaviour, whether intended or emergent.
Strategy as a Position - A means of locating the organisation in its environment relative to its competitors.
All of the above.
Q6. Which of the following is NOT one of Kotter's (1996) Eight steps for leading change?
Create a sense of urgency.
Delay action until you have all the information.
Generate short term wins.
Empower followers through broad base action.
Communicate the change vision.
Q7. This question is based on our Module 5 core reading.
According to Mintzberg (1978), which statement about strategy below is FALSE?
Strategy is a set of consistent behaviors by an organization.
Two types of strategy are intended and realized.
Strategy formation is a regular, planned, and sequenced process.
Emergent strategy allows for flexibility to respond to environmental change.
Emergent strategy can become deliberate.
Part D -
Q1. What characteristic or trait do both academic and practitioner leadership writers agree is essential in a leader?
Good looks
Q2. When considering what is ethical, where is the best place to look/ask for an answer?
Q3. Which of the following would typically NOT be in the code of ethics?
Definitions of what constitutes both ethical and corrupt conduct.
Advice on career progression and technical training.
Directives on personal and professional behaviour.
A mechanism for enforcing the code, Including sanctions for violations.
Advice on interpreting and implementing the code.
Q4. Taffinder (2000) notes that one of the most difficult things is for a leader to be consistent in having honest conversations with followers. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a leader who 'tells it like it is"?
Being open and honest in all communications.
Telling people as fast and a s soon as possible.
Discussing follower shortcomings with the followers teammates.
Giving people immediate opportunity to respond and debrief on what you have said.
Telling people the actions you are going to take moving forward.
Q5. In which ways can leaders actively influence follower behavioral development and progress?
All of the above
Q6. Which of the following is NOT a factor that should be considered in choosing to use the mechanism of whistleblowing in order to deal with a breach in ethical conduct?
Is the matter serious, immanent and specific and is there evidence of its seriousness?
Would the revelation of the information be of public benefit and do the public have a right to know?
Are there less damaging ways of rectifying the problem, such as internal procedures?
Will I benefit personally by blowing the whistle?
Is blowing the whistle likely to remedy the problem?
Q7. This question is based on our Module 6 core reading.
Norman (2013) suggests that there are three levels of issues and discussion in relation to the concept of Business Ethics. Which of the following is NOT part of Norman's list?
Part E -
Q1. Which of the following is NOT a method of self-reflection?
Formally reflecting upon previous experiences.
Seeking broad feedback about your behaviours from followers, peers, superiors, friends and relatives.
Mental acuity training.
Vicarious learning from others who have written about leadership.
Being reflexive or self-critical.
Q2. Which one of the following does NOT necessarily contribute to the development of self-confidence?
Knowing the shortfall between what I know now and what I need to know.
Knowing what others know compared to myself.
Being able to test myself against what I need to do.
Being able to do the things I know best.
Being told by knowledgeable others that I have mastered something new.
Q3. According to Morris, Brotheridge and Urbanski (2005), which of the following statements is TRUE in relation to the dimension of self-awareness and the role of humility in effective leadership?
Leaders should understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Leaders should always be self-abasing.
Leaders should never own their successes.
Leaders should never accept rewards for their hard work.
Leaders should always praise their superiors.
Q4. Which one from the following does NOT generate positive self-fulfilling prophecies?
Fight stereotypes.
Set challenging goals and objectives.
Encourage success by reminding people of their past failures.
Foster a high-expectation culture.
Train those around you in behavioural skill building, counselling and guidance skills as well as how to frame and communicate positive expectations.
Eradicate expectations for low performance through communicating positively about all expectations.
Immunize potential victims against negative effects.
Clear the record.
Organisational change is a characteristic of contemporary organizations and expectations can be anchored in each new initiative creating new opportunities for success.
Q5. Select True or False for the following statement:
People deal with adversity by both internalizing the event which occurred and seek confirmation of what had occurred from a trusted individual.
Q6. This question is based on our Module 7 core reading, 'Bandura (1977) 'Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change'.
Which of the following is NOT a principal source of expectations of self-efficacy?
Verbal persuasion.
Performance accomplishments.
Emotional stability.
Physiological states.
Vicarious experience.
Part F -
Q1. In a report by Hasel and Grover (2016), they identified trust between followers and leaders as being responsible for five outcomes. Which of the following is NOT an outcome of trust between followers and leaders?
Increased leader effectiveness in achieving team outcomes.
Higher stress and anxiety of followers.
Better organizational citizenship.
Increased follower morale.
Increased follower well-being.
Increased overall performance.
Q2. Which of the following does NOT represent one of the six environmental factors considered by the PESTEL acronym?
Q3. Bolman and Deal (2013) suggest four frames for viewing organisations. Which of the following is NOT one of the frames they suggest?
The Neuro-linguistic Frame
The Political Frame.
The Symbolic Frame.
The Structural Frame.
The Human Resources Frame.
Q4. Which of the following is NOT a part of cognitive ability?
Q5. Based on McKenna, Rooney and Boal's (2009:178) work, which of the following is NOT one of the five principles of the wisdom literature?
Wise leaders allow for non-rational and subjective elements when making decisions.
Wise leaders value humane and virtuous outcomes and therefore produce virtuous and tolerant decisions.
Wise leaders are articulate, understand the aesthetic dimensions of their work and seek the intrinsic personal and social rewards of contributing to the greater good.
Wise leaders are able to formulate and understand logical arguments based on sound propositions and careful observation.
Wise leaders always lead from the front, taking care to ensure that the organization's goals are aligned to the desires of followers.
Wise leaders and their actions are practical and oriented towards everyday life, including work.
Q6. What kinds of learning CAN senior leaders provide to those who aspire to senior leadership roles?
Senior leaders can provide privileged strategic information, insights and wisdom regarding how to lead during different parts of the economic cycle or how to work with external stakeholder groups such as unions, shareholders, Government and media.
Senior leaders can facilitate access to and entry of critical networks of industry peers, suppliers, buyers, thinkers, financiers and regulators.
Senior leaders can provide learning with regard to how strategy is developed in relation to organizational strengths and weaknesses.
Senior leaders within organisations can provide aspiring leaders with privileged and critical insights into business stewardship.
All of the above.
Q7. This question is based on our Module 8 core reading.
According to Gillespie and Mann's (2004) research findings, trust in a leader is associated with four key factors. Which of the following is NOT a key factor for leader trust?
Consulting team members when making decisions.
Only intervening when things go wrong.
Communicating a collective vision.
Shared values between leader and followers.
The leader's effectiveness.
Part G -
Q1. Which of the following is NOT a form of demographic diversity?
Q2. Which of the following BEST describes the benefits attributed to diversity?
Improved Organisational Performance.
Marketplace Advantages.
Creativity and Innovation.
Better Quality Problem Solving.
All of the above.
Q3. Which of the following has NO effect on leadership development
Family upbringing.
Job roles.
Networks including mentors.
None of the above.
Q4. Which of the following is NOT an example of an area that must be addressed to move towards an inclusive culture?
Developing a market strategy to compete on quality.
Training and development.
Pay and progression practices.
Recruitment and Selection Practices.
Workplace flexibility.
Q5. This question is based on our first Module 9 core reading.
Based on Ely and Thomas's (2001) qualitative research on three culturally diverse organizations, only one from these three perspectives provides the rationale and guidance needed to achieve sustained benefits from diversity. Select the CORRECT answer:
The access-and-legitimacy perspective.
The discrimination-and-fairness perspective.
The integration-and-learning perspective.
Q6. This question is based on our second Module 9 core reading.
Fitzsimmons et al. (2014) identify one overarching factor in how male and female CEOs differ in their career progression. Select the CORRECT answer:
Accumulation of leadership relevant capital.
Associations with colleagues and industry professional bodies.
Self-promotion activities.
Part H -
Q1. Please fill in the BLANKS for the TWO CORRECT terms of stewardship in the following statement:
According to Dr Fitzsimmons, stewardship can be viewed as both a ______ position; and the ______ ability to manage a process or organization for the greater good.
Facilitator or management position; technical ability
Value or ethical position; technical ability
Business or corporate position; sporting ability
Professional development or training position; educational ability
Q2. Which of the following elements NEED to be considered when evaluating risk?
What are the areas of uncertainty?
Are there ways of finding out about uncertain areas?
What is the probability of failure/success?
What contingencies are possible to mitigate the consequences of failure?
What are the potential degrees of failure, that is to say what are the consequences of failure from a worst case perspective and the outcome of success in a best case scenario?
What is the length of time involved in committing to the risk?
What is at stake in human and other resources, in other words what are we investing?
All of the above.
Q3. Rowe (2006) explains a model of rational decision making as having five steps. One step considers variables such as Costs, Benefits, Financial decision, Intangibles, Time, Feasibility, Resources, Risk and Ethics. From the list that follows, select the CORRECT step.
Establish a context for success.
Frame the issue properly.
Generate alternatives.
Choose the best alternative.
Evaluate alternatives.
Q4. Kyle (1998) suggested four means by which leaders can communicate their accountability to their followers. Which of the following is NOT one of those means?
Factually state the circumstances of the failure.
Try to identify who else could be blamed.
Provide a balanced assessment as to why it happened in order to demonstrate the lesson learned from it.
Express your feelings about the failure and its consequences to those affected by the failure.
Describe how you will rectify the situation.
Q5. Victor Frankl (1959) believed that meaning could be found in many places. Which of the following is the CORRECT statement?
In doing meaningful work, in loving and caring for others, and, in finding courage in difficult times.
In leading a peaceful and quiet life, in finding courage in difficult times, and, in doing meaningful work.
In finding courage in difficult times, in living one day at a time, and, in loving and caring for others.
Q6. This question is based on our Module 10 core reading.
According to Schoorman and Donaldson (1997), which of the following behaviors is NOT aligned with the model of stewardship?
Pro-organizational behavior
Collectivistic behavior
Cooperative behavior
Individualistic behavior
Behavior protective of shareholders' wealth