What unsatisfied needs you are meeting

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13316349

1: business idea: my business idea its open transport goods company in Jordan

What your business idea is?

Where it is?

Who your target market is? Define by age/social/group/attitudes/where they are

The gap in the market? Research that supports this?

What unsatisfied needs you are meeting?

2: research: have 2 separate sections:

A: primary research: use a variety of primary research techniques. Talk to people (depth interviews or focus groups) or (observation) design a questionnaire (survey) and tell me the key results includes a copy of the full questionnaire in the appendix.

Including one or two (no more than two) pie charts/graphs with results of key questions would look good

B: secondary Research: use a variety of secondary research sources to evaluate/investigate your business idea. For example the internet (newspaper/Websites/bbc/Mintel reports) to find out about key figures and trends..

You may want to repeat here some of the data/information you includes in the executive summary/competitor swot analysis/market information.

3: finance, sources of finance:

Tell me which sources of finance you have chosen and why- what are the reasons why these are the best sources of finance for your business?

Use a variety of different sources. Tell me the advantages and disadvantages of each source.

4: finance tables/charts

5: finance - observations:

In the finance section put a few lines after each table (e.g. the sales budget) explaining the variations and the reasons for them. For example: sales will fall in June because of holidays....
Clearly state your break-even point (show page 8) what it means for our business e.g I will to see at least 500 units to break even .show this clearly on your break even chart too.

6: swot analysis and research:

Includes information from research to support your swot analysis

Reference no: EM13316349

Questions Cloud

At what height from the ground will two objects first meet : A small object begins a free-fall from a height of H = 87.0 m at t0 = 0 s. After %u03C4 = 2.20 s, At what height from the ground will the two objects first meet
What is the potential energy of the system : A 0.2 kg object is suspended from a spring with a spring constant of K = 10 N/m. What is the potential energy of the system
Find the electric potential at the origin : A charge of -2.655uC is located at (2.660m , 4.621m ), and a charge of 1.495uC is located at (-2.574m , 0). Find the electric potential at the origin
Calculate the minimum density of the planet : Astronomers have recently discovered a new planet in a faraway solar system, with a radius of roughly 380 km. calculate the minimum density of the planet
What unsatisfied needs you are meeting : Who your target market is? Define by age/social/group/attitudes/where they are the gap in the market? Research that supports this and what unsatisfied needs you are meeting?
What frictional torque acts on the saw blade : A saw blade has a mass of 0.5 kg and a radius of 10 cm and is rotating at 300 rpm. What frictional torque acts on the saw blade as it slows to a stop
What is the maximum displacement of the spring : A runaway railroad car, with mass 30 x 10^4 kg, coasts across a level track at 1.5 m/s when it collides with a spring loaded bumper at the end of the track, What is the maximum displacement of the spring after the collision
All investors will prefer a portfolio with expected return : All investors will prefer a portfolio with expected return 10% and standard deviation 6% to a portfolio with expected return 10% and standard deviation 8%. as true or false, and explain.
What is the potential energy stored in the spring : A mass of 0.4 kg, hanging from a spring with a spring constant of 80 N/m, is set into an up-and-down simple harmonic motion. What is the potential energy stored in the spring


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