Reference no: EM133784991
1. Pick one of these issues to address.
Regarding "victimless" crimes, would you agree that some crimes are victimless? What factors into your thinking - the cost of the process to ta xpayers? the impact on the defendant's life and family? your own experience? something else?
2. Pick one of these issues to address.
What does it mean to say that the criminal justice system is classist, what evidence supports that conclusion and what additional evidence would you look at if you were researching the issue?
3. Pick one of these issues to address.
What the unintended consequences of the high use of plea bargains, what evidence supports that conclusion and how might the process indigent defense be related to plea bargains?
4. Pick one of these to address.
The textbook says fear of crime and the location of prison facilities makes the issue of criminal justice political, which in part means it impact elections. Explain this.
5. What one or two things were unclear in this chapter that I could follow-up with an explanation for?