What uid and pid have the highest amount of physical memory

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131149250

Part 1: File Processing Commands Worksheet

• What UID and PID have the highest amount of physical memory a process has used and is not swapped out? Show all processes and full output.

• If using a long listing and no process modifiers, what is the swap space amount for the bash command?

• When using top command, what command would you use to kill a process?

• If you were not using top command, what command would you use to kill a process?

• What command would you use to manually mount the standard CD-ROM device /dev/db1 at /media/disk?

• What command would you use to display the amount of available disk space on /dev/db1 in a human readable form?

• Type in the command grep - - help to access the help manual. Using this information and the information from the text, how would you write a command to find the pattern 111 in a file called myfile.txt?

Part 2: Linux Directory Log

To: <Insert your facilitator's name>
From: <Insert your name>
Date: <Insert the date (XX/XX/XXXX)>

Directions: As you complete each of the following steps, keep track of what occurs at each point; including what you type, the output given, and if you experience any errors. Record the occurrences in the following matrix.

1. Open a terminal.

2. Create a new group called mygroup. Hint: /usr/sbin/groupadd.

3. Create a new folder and name it your first name.

4. Get a directory listing of the home folder using the long listing format.

5. Modify the permissions on your new folder to set read, write, and execute permissions for the user and group.

6. Get a directory listing of the new folder using the long listing and human readable format. (ls -lh)

7. Use Gedit or VI to create two files (myfile1.txt and myfile2.txt) and save them in the new folder. Add a paragraph of your own liking to each file.

8. Get a regular format directory listing of the new folder.

9. Change the ownership of myfile1.txt so the owner is mygroup and the group is mygroup.

10. Get a directory listing of the new folder using the long listing and human readable format.

11. Change the permissions on myfile2.txt using the following: user:read and write, group:read and write, and owner: read, write, and execute. Set the sticky bit. Use Octal s to set these.

12. Get a directory listing of the new folder using the long listing and human readable format.

Reference no: EM131149250

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