What types of work environments attract you the most

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Reference no: EM132224857

Assignment - Peer evaluation and reflective journal on capstone project experience and professional exposure

Report should include the following components:

- A minimum of 1000 words report outlining your professional development during the professional exposure.

Report should include the following six parts.

1) The first part is a Title page, your name, school and student number.

2) The Second part is technical skills developed during Professional Exposure.

3) The third part is a summary of professional skills developed during Professional Exposure.

4) The fourth part is references in IEEE referencing style.

5) The fifth part is the signed ‘completion of professional exposure/exposure certificate' and/or evidences of attendance of professional events.

Details of Report

The report should be 1000 words long, plus figures, tables and references and any appendices originating from the actual report in industry. Note the appendices mentioned here are different from the weekly diary of activities. The report should have the following sections:

1. Title page, your name, school and student number

2. Technical Skills Developed During Professional Exposure. Write technical reflective journal on the following points:

3. Professional Skills Developed During Professional Exposure. Map your outcome to ACS CBOK knowledge key words,

a) Identify the specific skills that your specific practical exposure best matches to and state why that is so.

i) Include a good example from your practical exposure to demonstrate how you may have developed in the skills identified.
ii) Justify yourself by filling in the "Graduate Outcomes Table" (Appendix A). The justification should reflect the stage you are in your development of the skill.

b) As you look into the future as a networking graduate, use your professional exposure to address the following questions:

i) Based on your professional exposure what would you like to change in the way and manner you approach your study? Explain.

b) What would you recommend to those who structure your degree program to change to ensure you become a successful networking professional in future?

c) Your plans for your future as a networking graduate.

i) What types of work environments attract you the most?

ii) Are there specific networking challenges that you are more interested in for the future? Explain.

iii) Have your ideas about your future direction developed during the practical exposure? Explain.

iv) Which specific aspects of your professional exposure did you enjoy the most? Which aspects did you not like the most? How will these influence how you think about your future as a network professional?

4. References

4.1 Write a summary of overall professional exposure.
4.2 Did you have prior knowledge to understand the professional expectation? Map all units that was useful during your professional exposure and how did you apply your prior knowledge and skills.
4.3 What are the new technical skills or knowledge did you learn from industry?
4.4 Where can you use that exposure in future?

You should reference all the materials you have used in preparing this report. Ensure that your report follows the IEEE referencing format.

5. Professional Exposure Certificate / evidences of attendance / participation Exposure details.

For each period of work exposure (there should only be one) list of:

5.1. Name of employer

5.2. Type of business

5.3. Your job title

5.4. Dates of the exposure

5.5. Full details of your professional supervisor (name, position, email, phone number)

Verified Expert

From this study, it has been understood that networking and web design related jobs has developed nowadays. It is very essential to develop individual practical knowledge regarding a specific field while entering into the field. On the other hand, this study has also help in understanding individual limitations. Moreover, professional aspirations and how to accomplish them in professional life have been underlined in this study. This is to inform you that due to absence of “Apendix A”, “Graduate Outcomes Table” has been not filled up. The part 5 has been left undone because the student has the information and that might be confidential.

Reference no: EM132224857

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1/30/2019 8:54:22 PM



1/30/2019 8:52:19 PM

Report should include the following components: · A minimum of 1000 words report outlining your professional development during the professional exposure. Report should include the following six parts. 1) The first part is a Title page, your name, school and student number. 2) The Second part is technical skills developed during Professional Exposure. 3) The third part is a summary of professional skills developed during Professional Exposure. 4) The fourth part is references in IEEE referencing style. 5) The fifth part is the signed ‘completion of professional exposure/exposure certificate’ and/or evidences of attendance of professional events.


1/30/2019 8:52:03 PM

(CONFERNCE DETAILS ) This is an official confirmation that you attended the code mentoring , IOT , event on the We discussed a range of topics including HTML , CSS, JavaScript, and principles of the modern web. Assignment 3 – Peer evaluation and reflective journal on capstone project experience and professional exposure - Individual report – Due week 12


1/30/2019 8:51:56 PM

· All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. · The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. · Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.


1/30/2019 8:51:28 PM

Report should include the following components: · A minimum of 1000 words report outlining your professional development during the professional exposure. Report should include the following six parts. 1) The first part is a Title page, your name, school and student number. 2) The Second part is technical skills developed during Professional Exposure. 3) The third part is a summary of professional skills developed during Professional Exposure. 4) The fourth part is references in IEEE referencing style. 5) The fifth part is the signed ‘completion of professional exposure/exposure certificate’ and/or evidences of attendance of professional events.

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