What types of value would you consider when assigning value

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131703073

Discussion Question 1

Valuation of a firm's financial assets is said to be based on what is expected in the future, in terms of the future performance of the firm, the industry, and the economy. What types of value would you consider when assigning "value" to a firm's stock or bond? What is the significance of each of the different types of value in the valuation process? Use examples to support your response. Use 1-2 citations and reference APA format

Discussion Question 2

The finance department of a large corporation has evaluated a possible capital project using the NPV method, the Payback Method, and the IRR method. The analysts are puzzled, since the NPV indicated rejection, but the IRR and Payback methods both indicated acceptance. Explain why this conflicting situation might occur and what conclusions the analyst should accept, indicating the shortcomings and the advantages of each method. Assuming the data is correct, which method will most likely provide the most accurate decisions and why? Use 1-2 citations and reference APA format.

Reference no: EM131703073

Questions Cloud

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