What types of rhymes or chants do you do with your child

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Reference no: EM133599101

Question: Arrange to interview a parent or guardian of a child between one and five years of age. This may be a parent or guardian that you already know through practicum, work, family relationships, friendships, or in other ways. Be sure to remind the parent or guardian that you will not be using names or other identifying information about the family in any presentation of your findings. Choose from the questions below to ask. You must ask at least four (4) of the following questions during the interview: Did you expose your child to music before he/she was born? How? What kinds of music? What music did your child especially like as a young infant? How did you present this music to him/her (e.g., singing, instruments, CD, DVD, etc.)? How do you and your child interact with music (e.g., dancing together, singing, fingerplays, etc.)? What types of rhymes or chants do you do with your child? How do you know when your child is enjoying music? In what ways does your child move to music? What musical toys does your child play with? What is your child's favorite song? How do you know that it's his/her favorite?

Reference no: EM133599101

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