What types of groups exist in case

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM132607999

Please answer questions 1-4 after reading the case 1 below:

Case :

David Sikes is a junior at New York State University. He has taken a summer job in the biggest factory in his hometown. He was told to report to the warehouse supervisor the first day at work. The supervisor assigned him to a small group of workers who were responsible for loading and unloading the boxcars that supplied the materials and carried away the finished goods of the factory. After two weeks on the job, David was amazed at how little the workers in his crew had accomplished. It seemed that they were forever standing around and talking or, in some cases, even going off to hide when there was work to be done. David often found himself alone unloading a boxcar while the other members of the crew were off messing around someplace else. When David complained to his coworkers, they made it very plain that if he did not like it, he could quit, but if he complained to the supervisor, he would be sorry. Although David has been deliberately excluded from any of the crew's activities, such as taking breaks together or having a Friday afternoon beer after work at the tavern across the street, yesterday he went up to one of the older members of the crew and said, "What gives with you guys, anyway? I am just trying to perform job. The money is good, and I just don't give a hang about this place. I will be leaving to go back to school in a few weeks, and I wish I could have gotten to know you all better, but frankly I am sure glad I'm not like you guys." The older worker replied, "Son, if you'd been here as long as I have, you would be just like us."


1. What types of groups exist in this case?

2. What role does the supervisor play in the performance of this group?

3. What status position does David have with the group? Why?

4. Do you agree with the older worker's last statement in the case? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM132607999

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