What types of fairness perceptions are relevant to the story

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132377837

Chapter - Social Perception, Attributions, and Perceived Fairness

Discussion Questions -

1. Describe a time when you were unfairly treated at work. Why did you perceive unfairness?

2. How would you allocate pay raises across a group of employees in a way that would be fair to everyone? How would you allocate grades to students in this class in a way that would be fair to everyone? If your preferences differ in each situation, why?

3. What are the implications for projection and for the contrast effect in job interviews? What can the interviewer do to reduce the effects of projection and the contrast effect?

4. Describe a time when a self-fulfilling prophecy negatively influenced you. What could you have done differently to obtain a more positive outcome?

5. Think about the attributions you tend to make for your academic performance. Is there anything you can do differently to leverage what you now know to improve your performance?

6. Which type of fairness do you think is most important to organizations? Why?

7. Imagine that you are a company manager and have three great subordinates who are all competing for a single open promotion. What could you do during the promotion process to ensure that all three feel fairly treated even though only one will get promoted?

8. How do you think trust influences organizations? Do you believe that trust can create a competitive advantage for a company? Why or why not?

Case Study - Regaining Trust After a Merger


1. If you were an employee at US Airways Group, what would your main concerns be?

2. How could your trust be earned by the company following the merger?

3. What might happen if employees continued to distrust management? Explain why, using what you have learned in this chapter.

Exercises - Making a Great First Impression

The purpose of this exercise is to give you practice making a great first impression. Refer to this chapter's Improve Your Skills feature and read over the tips. Take a few minutes to think about how you can comfortably display the behaviors discussed in the feature. You want to be yourself-don't try to overact or treat the tips like a checklist. Think through a couple of different versions of how the first couple minutes of a job interview meeting might go.

Now find two classmates to work with for this exercise. One of you will role-play the interviewer, one will be him- or herself as the interviewee, and the third will observe and give feedback to the interviewee. Take turns role-playing the initial introductions and small talk that might occur during the first two or three minutes of a job interview. When each person is finished, give the interviewee feedback on how to make a great first impression. Do the exercise with both partners to improve your skills in this important area.

Beth Israel Hospital

Form a group of four to five people and reread this chapter's opening Real World Challenge (both the introduction and the conclusion) about how Beth Israel Hospital dealt with its financial challenges. Decide who will record the group's ideas, and discuss the four questions below. Be prepared to share your insights with the class.

Questions -

1. In what ways were equity, equality, and need norms illustrated in this story?

2. What types of fairness perceptions are relevant to the story? How so?

3. Would the actions taken by Beth Israel Hospital build or undermine trust? With whom?

4. How could the actions taken by Beth Israel Hospital create a competitive advantage for the organization?

Video Case -

Now What - Imagine that a coworker is complaining to you about being upset after learning that another coworker is being paid more despite the complaining coworker being at the company a year longer. What do you say or do? Go to this chapter's Now What?" video, watch the challenge video, and choose a response. Be sure to also view the outcomes of the two responses you didn't choose.

Discussion Questions -

1. Which aspects of organizational behavior discussed in this chapter are illustrated in these videos? Explain your answer.

2. How is ethics illustrated in these videos? Explain your answer.

3. As a manager, how else might you handle this situation?

Workplace - Recycline Preserve: Strategy and the Partnership Advantage

Discussion Questions -

1. What is your perception of CEO Eric Hudson? On what do you base your perception?

2. What is the public's perception of green products according to Marketing Director C. A. Webb? Why do some people have that perception, and what can Recycline do to change it?

3. To what do you attribute Recycline's success?

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Reference no: EM132377837

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