What type of workplace objectives would critical thinking

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Reference no: EM133169830

BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others

Task 1 - Knowledge Questionnaire

Question 1 Outline two (2) models of critical and creative thinking.

Question 2 Briefly describe two (2) features of five (5) critical thinking concepts and approaches. The concepts and approaches must include analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Concept and approach

Question 3 Address the following:
• What type of workplace objectives would critical thinking help achieve? Provide two (2) examples.
• What type of workplace processes would be helpful when using critical thinking in a work environment? Provide two (2) examples.
• What workplace resources would you use to support critical thinking in the workplace? Provide two (2) examples.
(50-100 words)

Question 4 Discuss the characteristics of organisational learning environments and related learning systems:
• What does an organisational learning environment look like?
• What makes an effective learning environment?
• What type of learning systems can be used in an organisational learning environment?
(80-120 words)

Question 5 List and briefly describe four (4) legislative requirements that relate to typical workplace procedures.

Question 6 List five (5) sources of reliable information that are relevant to typical workplace procedures.

Question 7 Outline two (2) industry's best practice approaches to teaching critical and creative thinking methods? Outline two (2).
(30-50 words/best practice)

Question 8 How can you effectively lead a team of individuals to develop critical and creative thinking?
(50-100 words)


Attachment:- Develop critical thinking.rar

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This task provides an insight into the concept of critical and creative thinking, along with its importance, resources, applications, types and so on. The significance of the organisational learning environment is also included, along with the information regarding the reliable sources of organisational information. Apart from this, the process of leading critical thinking in a team is also explained in the paper.

Reference no: EM133169830

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