What type of white paper would you argue is aws white paper

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Reference no: EM131339223

After watching the video https://youtu.be/KYFuWYB_ID4, peruse the white paper, "The need for specialty curricula based on core competencies."

The white paper is structured quite differently from the structures that you have seen in the Purdue OWL lecture and in other materials. It does not have an executive summary or a table of contents. It is set up more like a journal article.

Answer the following questions:
1. The CANRIGHT document discusses various types of white papers on pages 10-11. As you examine the AWS white paper, what type of white paper would you argue is the AWS white paper?

2. What is the problem that the AWS white paper is identifying? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

3. What is the proposed solution? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

4. Examine the graphics in this white paper. Do they enhance the message being delivered? Why or why not? You might choose two or three graphics in this white paper and analyze them in defending your answer.

5. In his lecture on white papers, Mak Pandit noted that white papers can "market" services but that the marketing should be "subtle." Is the AWS white paper subtle in its approach when it discusses AWS services? Write a few sentences in answering this question.

Attachment:- AWS paper.rar

Attachment:- Whitepaper_Basics.rar

Reference no: EM131339223

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