What type of wan connection you recommend

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131505167

Assignment: New Network Guidance Document

Complete the "New Network Guidance" Excel spreadsheet.

Create a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document each of these businesses can use for guidance when designing new networks. Include information on transmission mediums, protocols, and standards. Format the completed Word document following APA guidelines.

Learning Team: IP Network Integration

Create 1-page memo in Microsoft Word detailing how to resolve the abovementioned scenario.

Create a 1/2-page Visio diagram showing how the IP addressing should change to allow both organizations to communicate. Create a 1/2-page Visio diagram showing how to integrate the Telex and Virex networks.

Your diagram should include:

• How the IP subnets will change in order to accomplish this requirement?
• What type of WAN connection you recommend?

Use proper Visio elements such as routers and links to display your design.

Reference no: EM131505167

Questions Cloud

Create a game or interactive portfolio element : Create a game or interactive portfolio element demonstrating the skills taught in this unit. The nature of your game/demonstration is up to you
What is the core of this contract curve : You and a friend are on holiday on a remote island but you have forgotten to bring any food. A fixed supply of coconuts is the only thing available to eat.
Describe how progressives tried to resolve this issue : Analyze the areas that were in need of reform in American Society during the period between 1890 and 1920. Choose one specific issue to focus on.
Illustrate a three-step process of walrasian adjustment : Consider a two-person/two-good exchange economy, illustrated by a box diagram as in Figure. Illustrate a three-step process of Walrasian adjustment.
What type of wan connection you recommend : How the IP subnets will change in order to accomplish this requirement? What type of WAN connection you recommend?
What is the use of ip addresses and ports : List down the types of Request Method in HTTP protocol - What is the use of IP addresses and ports?
Discuss why the excess demand function may take this form : Let the excess demand function for good X take the form in the figure.
What daily tasks there are for network administrators : Assignment: Supporting Networks- Discuss as a team what daily tasks there are for network administrators for managing the network.
Write summary of the story of your choice : Your reader's pick review should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, and font size 12. Start with a 1-page summary the story of your choice


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