What type of social work do you want to do

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Reference no: EM132216438

1. Examine your role in a job that you had or that you are currently doing. Discuss your role from the perspective of social structure. Include social norms such as conceptions and expectations in your analysis. How can you apply this to your role as a generalist practitioner? Explain. (use teacher or stay at home mom as example) (100 words and 1 reference)

2. What type of social work do you want to do? Discuss four behaviors that you will need to incorporate into the development of your professional identity as a generalist practitioner. What do you anticipate might be barriers to the development of your professional identity?

How does a Christian worldview influence your professional identity? (100 words and 1 reference)

3. Read Chapters 3 and 4 in Human Behavior and the Social Environment Social Systems Theory and review the Families and Work Institute website. Read the case example in Chapter 3: "The Strengths Perspective" in the e-book Applying Theory to Generalist Social Work Practice.

In a 500- to 750-word paper, do the following:

1. Evaluate and discuss the case relative to each of the following concepts: client/social worker boundaries, roles, suprasystems, interface, inputs, outputs, structures, and feedback. Give examples from the case for three of these elements.

2. What interventions from the strengths perspective would you use to assist the family?

Provide a minimum of three to five scholarly sources to support your content.

Reference no: EM132216438

Questions Cloud

Develop a global marketing plan for your organization : As the firm looks for ways to offset the domestic downturn in sales, Deborah, the CEO of your company, wants to determine if a global strategy is a good fit.
Identifying or predicting positive and negative outcomes : What do you think will be some of the advantages or positive outcomes resulting from the implementation of the system?
Write an advocacy letter to public official about a problem : An explanation of how you want the legislator to respond to the issue (vote, create legislation, hold public hearings, etc.) and why.
What company are they and what sector do they compete in : Part one: (less important than second part)You should choose and describe the company you wish to create a digital marketing strategy and campaign for.
What type of social work do you want to do : Examine your role in a job that you had or that you are currently doing. Discuss your role from the perspective of social structure.
Create value for the company owners : Every finance textbook starts with the thesis that the fundamental goal of business is to create value for the company's owners. Do you think this also applies.
Explain the potential impact of your personal views : Post an explanation of the impact religion or spirituality can have on patients' perceptions of health and health outcomes.
Write a brief description of the illness : The illness, as well as a lack of normalcy in the patient's life, may hinder biological, psychological, and social development.


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