What type of security policy should be used and why

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13946424

A small research company in Pittsburgh is working to develop a new method of mass storage to replace current hard drive technology. Four engineers and an office manager work there. The engineers are highly skilled professionals, and the office manager is a capable computer user. The company has an always-on Internet connection because employees must conduct research frequently. The employees have hopes of making a breakthrough and bringing the company public in the next two years. You have been hired as a security consultant to assess the company's needs. Write up an proposal that includes the following:

-What type of security policy should be used (open, moderately restrictive, or highly restrictive)? Why?

-What security technologies should be put in place? Why?

-What areas should the security policy focus on (physical security, data security, auditing, passwords, etc.)? Why?

-What technologies should be used to secure those areas?

Each question just needs to be answered with 25-50 words.

Reference no: EM13946424

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