What type of reasoning is involved in process

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Reference no: EM133537764

Case Study: Write this In the United States, 61 million adults (one in four) have a disability that impacts major life activities (CDC, 2021). The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (2016) defines the categories of disability as mobility, cognition, hearing, vision, independent living, and self-care (CDC, 2021). Adults with disabilities lack education, resources, and encouragement to lead their lives. Quality of life increases when adults with disabilities are given the dignity of risk and self-determination. (Savage & Bowers, 2022). Self-determination refers to an individual's ability to make choices and decisions that affect their lives; the dignity of risk refers to the right of an individual to take risks in their life, even if it may result in failure or harm (Savage & Bowers, 2022). This leads to our proposed research question: How do self-determination and dignity of risk increase the quality of life for adults with disabilities?

Statement of the problem "Most simply, the dignity of risk embraces respecting or honoring an individual's choices or decisions even in the face of potential harms" (Mukherjee, 2022,p.). Adults with disabilities struggle to receive the personal assistance services necessary to live within their communities safely and with integrity (Lezzoni, 2022). Additionally, due to cost-saving programs and the opinions of medical professionals, adults with disabilities frequently have little autonomy over their care and where they receive care (). The costs of personal care assistance services are expensive and nearly exclusively covered by Medicaid insurance, which is challenging to obtain as there are financial limitations that vary state-to-state (Lizzoni, 2022). Additionally, the state home and community-based services wait lists contain over 700,000 beneficiaries and could take 30 to 66 months for services to begin (Lizzoni, 2022).

Furthermore, inpatient facilities have been known for inadequate care resulting in increased health issues and depression for the adult with disabilities (). Moreover, physicians hold power over where the adult with disabilities will receive care and can decide to have them remain in a long-term care facility; against the wishes of the person supported. "The central tension between safety/protection and autonomy/self-determination is at the core of the concept, but it also involves appraisals, judgments, varying ways of knowing, evidentiary standards, and diverse definitions of risk. Respect for persons and their potentially risky choices are also about social justice, particularly in a world full of inequities, historical injustices, and human biases (Mukherjee, 2022,p).To fully be uphold the NASW core values of Service, Social Justice, Dignity and Worth of the Person, Importance of Human Relationships.

The purpose of this study is to help adults with disabilities improve their dignity of risk and have better self-determination because they are individuals and deserve as much independence and autonomy as possible. We, as a group, hope to find out how to help adults with disabilities achieve their individual dignity of risk and self-determination. This study will utilize a longitudinal trend study design, following a group of young adults with disabilities aged 18-30, to examine changes in their self-determination, dignity of risk, and quality of life. longitudinal trend studies "are those that study changes within some general population over time" (Rubin, et al., 2017, p. 157). The data collected will be analyzed using statistical analysis to identify any significant changes in self-determination, dignity of risk, and quality of life over time. The type of reasoning involved in the process is inductive reasoning.

"In induction, one starts from observed data and develops a generalization which explains the relationships between the objects observed". (Rubin, et al. 2017, p. 54). "In deductive reasoning, one starts from some general law and applies it to a particular instance" (Rubin, et al., 2017, p.54). This leads to our proposed research question: How do self-determination and dignity of risk increase the quality of life for adults with disabilities?


1. What is the purpose of the study? What do you hope of find out?

2. What type of study is it? What type of reasoning is involved in process (inductive or deductive reasoning)?

3. Concise statement of the research question(s) or hypotheses.

Reference no: EM133537764

Questions Cloud

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