Reference no: EM131751739
Managing organizations
Identify what type of Power is being used by the following. (Legitimate, Reward, Coervice, Expert or Referent) Choose most Relevant.
1. You Give a bonus to employees
2. You draw on your expertise and education to solve a problem in your work team that was holding up progress.
3. You write a formal memo detailing a series of costly mistakes an employee has made recently; you give one copy to the employee and put one in their personnel file.
4. You analyze data you’ve collected that highlists some inefficiencies in work processes you manage for the company.
5. You start a practice of giving chocolate yo employees who have shown good intiative on a project.
6. You have lunch with new employee who says she aspires to achieve what you’ve accomplished in your five years with the company.
7. Acting in your role as plant supervisor, you institute changes to the reporting relationships of employees throughout the plant.