What type of memo he has written

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Reference no: EM133590530

Assessment 1:

Knowledge Assessment (Written Tasks)

Question 1. When planning your documents what do you have to consider?

Question 2. Why should you prepare a draft document?

Question 3. When reviewing a document in Microsoft Word you can use mark-up. What formats can be used to view the document in markup?

Question 4. How would you go about proof reading a document?

Question 5. State 5 requirement that might be included when creating a document for an organisation?

Question 6. List 5 methods does the average business typically use to communicate?

Question 7. What are three methods you can use to send a document to the intended recipient?

Question 8. What do you need to ensure whenever storing or naming a document?

Task 1 - Business Documents

Part 1
You have a secretarial position for the Victorian Green Enviro Association. Your manager has asked you to write to Mr Al Gore and ask him if he would be prepared to be the guest speaker at to your annual dinner meeting to speak on responses to climate change. You are to offer to pay his expenses, (i.e. airfares and accommodation) and your boss would meet him at the airport on arrival. If he accepts you would like some short biographical information about him so that he could be properly introduced at the function.

(a) Briefly outline a plan for this document Use the following four headings for your plan.

The Recipient (audience)
The Purpose (reason for writing)
Specific details (indicate with dot points)
Response Required
Indicate the structure by the way you set out the rotes

(b) What organizational requirements are there likely to be?

Part 2

(a) Draft the letter above. Invent any details that you require to complete the letter,
(b) Self check your draft and complete the check list below

Part 3
Write, format and produce a letter
(a) Write and produce the document planned in Part 2 above, choosing a suitable format
(b) Design a simple letterhead to print the letter on
(c) Explain where you would file this letter

Part 4
Create one of the following documents:

Document 1
Imagine you work for Al Gore Enterprises and write a response to the letter from Victorian Green Enviro Association accepting their invitation to speak at their dinner. Give them what inforrnation you believe they need. Tell them that a short biographical paragraph is attached to the letter.
Draft and write a suitable letter for the situation above. Invent any necessary details.

Document 2
Prepare an email to be distributed to team members attaching a program for the staff coWerence to be held on <make up a future date>. Ask that they let you know whether they are attending by the Wednesday before so catering arrangements can be made. (Note: there is no need to prepare the program).

Document 3
You are an office administrator for the following company:
Name: Harry's Home Equipment Hire
Address: 123 Malaga Drive, MALAGA WA 6090
Phone: (08) 9333 4455 Fax: (08) 9333 4456
Email: infoOheh dot com dot au Web: www dot heh dot com dot au

Harry Kewell, the owner would like you to design and create a letter to send to prospective clients about a special offer on gardening equipment for the months of spring. It is 29th April and he would like to get the mailer out in 2 weeks before the end of the financial year.

Your Task
You are to PLAN, DRAFT, REVEIW, and WRITE the document for Harry.

Harry is a bit of a perfectionist. He likes things to be done correctly and professionally. He expects that you will choose a nice readable font that is of reasonable size, your language will be formal and professional, and the letter will contain relevant company information.

Gather the information you need. Pretend your trainer is Harry. Ask him any questions you require to complete your task. E.g. what is the special offer?

Write a draft of your document. This may be hand written or on computer. REVEIW

Ask your peer, to review your draft. When reviewing check for grammar, speliing, formatting, layout, and appropriate information on document...etc. Give your review to Harry (yo Teacher)
for a final review, ac)

Finally, write your document and submit an electronic copy to Harry (your to her Store a printed copy your document in your portfolio.

Part 5
Your boss has offered to upgrade your mobile phone including all the Features you think you require for your position as administrative assistant in a real estate firm. He has asked you to research two types of mobile phones that are likely to meet your work requirements and prepare a short report of your findings, outlining their features, their cost and special factors which might influence the choice of phone. Include your recommendation for which of the phones to buy.

Your task

Prepare the required report.
As this is a simple report, it can be prepared in the form of a memo.

Part 6
Setting Up a New Branch

Harry Melville is the Managing Director of Hazell Engineering, This company is well established in Melbourne, and its annual turnover exceeds $10 million. The company aims to open a new branch of the business in Sydney.

Hazell Engineering has been established for only five years yet it is already one of Victoria's leading engineering firms, The Managing Director is very confident that the company will do well in Sydney by continuing to use its current business strategy: innovative engineering solutions designed by its own expert staff.

Harry organised a meeting to discuss the expansion into Sydney. He sent the following memo to his Project Team-Ann, Che, Glenn, Katrina and Reno-outlining the meeting's purpose and the duties that he will delegate.

TO: Ann, Che, Glenn, Katrina and Reno
FROM: Harry Melville
DATE: 12/3/2007
SUBJECT: Establishing a new branch in Sydney
I have decided to establish a branch of Hazell Engineering in Sydney by March 2008. To make this venture a success the company will need to:
1. Acquire expert staff

2. Establish itself in a high quality business centre
3. Install a network computer system to support Intranet and Internet facilities

4 Become part of a professional network in Sydney

The Sydney branch's financial, legal and insurance services wilt be provided by HazeII Engineering's Head Office in Melbourne.

The meeting to discuss this venture will be held in n'a'y office on 19/3/2007 The meeting w II run from 9.30 a.m, until 12, We will then have a working lunch and plan how each person will put their duties intopractice. We will brainstorm to determine which tasks each person wilt be
responsible for.

The meeting commenced at 9.30 sharp as scheduled. All five project team members were present. Harry opened the meeting by immediately stating the main points to be discussed and finalised.
He told the others that he wanted the company's success to be repeated in Sydney. Harry suggested making each project team member responsible for one of the Sydney agenda items.
He used a chart to record each area of responsibility alongside the person responsible for it.
• Ann-staff recruitment
• Che-the financial, legal and insurance arm
• Glenn-the location
Katrina-information technology
Reno-professional networking

Harry knew that although some of the projects were more difficult than others, the afternoon brainstorming session would resolve this. Those with the easier pro,tects would help the people with the difficult ones.

The tasks were allocated and discussed before lunch. After the working lunch the brainstorming session lasted well over an hour. The six people felt happy with the outcome. They were sure that they could manage their own area of responsibility but also work well as a team to share the workload when necessary.

Harry told the team: 1 would like you to begin this project immediately and present to me on 10 April a short report outlining your progress on the initial stage. As we progress towards the decision date l will expect a long report from each of you. Please use the correct format for this so I can read it easily and base my decisions on it.'

Reno asked: 'Would you like some graphics in our long reports? 'Most definitely', replied Harry, if they help explain your purpose more dearly. But if they clutter or cloud the issues leave them out'. Glenn said: 'Well, graphics will certainly help my report. They will help create a picture of what is happening'.

They all agreed to meet on 10 April. The short reports were to be submitted a week before this, so that each one could be discussed in detail.

Question 1. Analyse Harry Melville's memo to the staff by

a. deciding what type of memo he has written
b. comparing its order of information with what is appropriate for this type of memo.

Question 2. Write memo as a record of the made request that Harry Melville made at the meeting for each staff member to give him a short progress report Ensure that you use the appropriate order of information for this type of memo.

Question 3. a. What does Harry expect from his team's progress reports? 
b. Why is a progress report approprote at this stage of the business venture?

Question 4. Harry Melville obviously knows the difference between a memo, a short report and a long report. Outline these differences.

Assessment 2:

Knowledge Assessment (Written Tasks)

Question 1. Name five types of business documents.

Question 2. What is a Style guide?

Question 3. Describe what a 'function' is in word processing software, and name three.

Question 4. What is an input device?

Question 5. What is a designated timeline?

Question 6. Why is it important to proofread you document?

Question 7. Briefly describe the process of saving a document

Question 8. Briefly describe the process of printing a document.

Question 9. What 3 things should you do to make a design that enhances readability?

Question 10. Briefly discuss how you might identify files and records.

Question 11. Text composition involves numerous individual tasks that break down into four general areas. What are the 4 areas?

Question 12. What 4 steps might you take to successfully produce a document?

Question 13. Briefly describe when you would make modification to the document to meet requirements?

Task - Business Document Portfolio

Essential skills
Your Assessor needs to observe you demonstrating the following essential skills in your workplace or in a simulated environment.

Essential skills

Demonstrate how you have:

keyboarding and computer skills to complete a range of formatting and layout tasks.

Demonstrate how you have:

numeracy skills to access and retrieve data.

Demonstrate how you have:
problem-solving skills to determine document design and production processes.

Part B: Essential knowledge

Answer question 1 or 2.
1. If you are currently working, choose one business document from your workplace, then answer these questions.
a) How did your organisation specify the design for this document?
b) How does your organisation store this document? Do you have to keep both a hard copy and a digital record? Why or why not?
c) Are the style design features of this document consistent throughout? V not, what impact does this have on its readability?

2. If you are a classroom or home-based learner, choose a brochure or business document from a local business, library or council and answer these questions.
a) What factors do you think influenced the design of the document?

b) Is the document similar to other brochures and documents from the same organisation or from similar organisations?
c) Are the style design features of this document consistent throughout? If not what impact does this have on its readability?

3. Choose a local business or organisation to research. Interview one of the employees to find out the following information.
a) Which pieces of business equipment are most frequently used and why?
b) Which business software is most frequently used and why?
c) Which kinds of business documents are most frequently produced by the organisation?
d) How are documents stored?
e) Find out how one document is designed and developed. List all the business equipment and software used in its production.
f) Explain if the style design features of this document are consistent throughout. If not what impact does this have on the readability of the document?

4. The following business document is a financial report for Rural Primary School. The document has many design and layout errors and inconsistencies. You are required to reproduce the document correcting all of these errors and inconsistencies. Document any difficulties you encountered and how you overcame these. You need to incorporate the following best-practice features into the final document:
• Select the most appropriate software.
• Select the most appropriate technology.
• Select the most appropriate format and style to maximise the presentation of the information.
• Ensure consistency of design using basic design principles.
• Use a range of functions to redesign and reproduce the document; for example, headers and footers, spellchecking, formatting columns, highlighting headings and text alignment.
• Proofread the final document and make any necessary modifications.
• Select the most appropriate method of storing and saving the document.
• Select the way you will present the final document.

Part C: Present your portfolio

Through the completion of the practice tasks and assessment activities in this workbook, you have now gathered a variety of documents, reports and other documentation relevant to this competency.
Present this information in a portfolio to your Assessor.

Task 2 - Mail Merged Business Documents

Exercise 1
Create the following form letter. Create a Word data source. Save the form letter as FORMLET The field names for the data source should be: Title, FirstName, LastName, Company, Address1, Address2, City, State, PostalCode. Include the following records: (Name the data file EX1DATA) Merge to a new document.

Miss Hannah Hancock
Carle Clinic
204 Learner Drive
Avondale Heights, Vic 3034
Mr. Fred Sanders
10 E. Main
P.O. Box 100
Champaign, NSW 2132 Mrs. Sheila Sipes
Carle Hospital
204 Learner Drive
Avondale Heights, Vic 3034
Dr. Jerry Howe
200 N. James
Suite 100
Champaign, NSW 2132

December 14, 1998 [Use Insert Date command for this date.]
«Title), «FirstName» «LastName»
«CompanyD «Address1» «Address2» «City», «State» «PostalCode»
Dear «Title» «LastName»:

We have received your suggestion on how to improve our billing system. We really appreciate your input.

We are happy to inform you that we have implemented your suggestion and are very pleased with the results. It is customers like you that help keep our company a leader in the industry.

Please find enclosed a certificate for a free visit the next time you are at any of our facilities. Again, thank you.
John Jones Director

Exercise 2

Create mailing labels using the data source you created in Exercise 1. The mailing labels size should be #5160-Address. Merge the labels to a new document. Print Preview the document. Save the file as LABELS.

Exercise 3
Create envelopes using the data source you created in Exercise 1. The envelope size should be 1 Merge to a new document. Print Preview the document. Save the file as ENVELOPE.

Reference no: EM133590530

Questions Cloud

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What do you think prompted wehlen to decide that all : What do you think prompted Wehlen to decide that "all the brave words are rotten and we know we were fools to believe them?"
What type of memo he has written : Write memo as a record of the made request that Harry Melville made at the meeting for each staff member to give him a short progress report Ensure
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Explain why the company suffered a loss in year three : Explain why the company suffered a loss in Year 3 but reported a profit in Year 1, although the same number of units was sold in each year.
Why were battlefield casualties so high during the civil war : Why were battlefield casualties so high during the Civil War? What contribution did African Americans make to help the United States defeat the Confederacy?
How culture and perspective plays into such interactions : How did each side's position inform their actions in 1874 and 1875? Given their historical and cultural context, could the Red River War have been avoided?


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