What type of lens would be used to correct myopia

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Reference no: EM131682477 , Length: 2

Question 1. A baby cries. Assume that the cry has a loudness of 130 dB.

A. What is the intensity of the cry?

B. What is the pressure of the cry?

C. Why is it difficult to ignore the cry of a baby?

Question 2. A large muscle is 10 cm in length. The diffusion coefficient for oxygen is 1.8x10-5cm2s-1.

A. What time does it take for oxygen to passively diffuse down the length of the muscle? Show calculations.

B. The circulatory flow through this large muscle is 1.5 L/min. Assume The circulation is through a hollow tube in identical length to the large muscle. The radius is 200 microns. The viscosity of the blood is 3x10-3Pa*s. What is the time of oxygen travel down the length of the muscle due to convection?

C. In part B we made some assumptions. Normally the radius and other parameters vary through the circulatory system. Despite this, flow is constant through the large muscle. Why is this the case?

Question 3. Why is there a large concentration of cones in the fovea?

Question 4. What type of lens would be used to correct myopia? Why?

Question 5. What is the role of hyaluronic acid in the eye? How does it accomplish its function?

Reference no: EM131682477

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