What type of interactions occur among people represented

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Reference no: EM133665829

Discussion Post: Sociology Response to Short Film.

Watch the short film YouTube video "A House in Oakland" and then interpret it from the macro-sociological perspective using Conflict Theory and Functionalism and the micro-sociological perspective using Symbolic Interactionism.


Respond to the questions below in 350 words.

1) Macrosociology: What systems, institutions, organizations, processes, or procedures are represented in the video?

2) Functionalism: What is the function or purpose of the system, institution, organization, or process represented?

3) Conflict Theory: Which social groups are competing over resources in the video? Which group has power and how is power represented?

4) Microsociology: What type of interactions occur among people represented in the video?

5) Symbolic Interactionism: What meaning do the symbols and language represented in the video have on thinking and behavior?

Reference no: EM133665829

Questions Cloud

Why is executive function important to social competencies : Why is executive function important to social competencies? How can early childhood environments be set up to encourage social engagement and friendships?
How will the interview experience impact your approach : We looked at the idea of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. How will the interview experience impact your approach to teaching EBs in the classroom?
Write a critical research essay on the approved topic : Write a Critical Research Essay (1000 words) on the approved topic for which you submitted the Annotated Bibliography.
How does the system relate to medical terminology : What is the purpose of the terminology system? How does the system relate to medical terminology? How does the terminology system work?
What type of interactions occur among people represented : What type of interactions occur among people represented in video? What meaning do symbols and language represented in the video have on thinking and behavior?
How a literature review differs from a traditional research : Write explanation of how a literature review differs from a traditional research paper for a course. In your explanation, address function of literature review.
Describe the primary objectives of the affordable health act : Describe the primary objectives of the Affordable Health Act and its impact on the health care delivery in the U.S.
Do you think a non-legally binding norm has value : Norms are not like treaties or customary international law because they are not legally enforceable. Do you think a non-legally binding norm has value.
Explain the impact of inequality on peoples lives : Explain the impact of inequality on people's lives. Explain whether equality of opportunity within society is a reality. Explain why or why not.


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