What type of failure is this and how would it be resolved

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13758794

1. A technician accidentally drops screw into the server case and shorts out the motherboard of the server that is running you Oracle database (the database is running at the time of the incident). What type of failure is this and how would it be resolved?

2. While the database is shutdown an operator moves the folder containing the flash recovery area to a new drive. When the database is restarted, a message appears that a file stored in the old location of the flash recovery area cannot be found. What type of failure is this and how would it be resolved?

3. A developer is working on an updated version of the DEMO schema. She has made numerous changes to the organization of tables in the schema. She accidentally deletes her updated copy of the EMPLOYEE table. What type of failure is this and how would it be resolved in the simplest way?

4. Assume you are the DBA and you notice that member B of REDO log group 2 is INVALID. How would you correct this situation so that group 2 has all of its members?

5. Assume you are the DBA and you restart your database. During the process, you receive a message that CONTROL01.CTL is missing. How would you resolve this problem in the simplestway possible?

6. Assume you are the DBA and you restart your d atabase. During the process, you receive a message that a datafile for the USERS tablespace is missing. How would you resolve this problem in the simplest way possible?

Reference no: EM13758794

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