What type of databases and database servers myspace use

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM1352923

The Databases Behind MySpace

Read the Interactive Session: Technology, and then discuss the following questions:
What kind of databases and database servers does MySpace use? Why is database technology so important for a business such as MySpace? How effectively does MySpace organize and store the data on its site? What data management problems have arisen? How has MySpace solved or attempted to solve these problems?

Reference no: EM1352923

Questions Cloud

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What type of databases and database servers myspace use : What kind of databases and database servers does MySpace use? Why is database technology so important for a business such as MySpace?
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Evaluation of cultural differences : How would one measure personalities across cultures and should the cultural differences be evaluated when assessing personality?
Integrity tests : What ethical conflicts might this create in terms of his/her responsibilities to the organization and/or its employees?


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