What type of clothes to sell based on the potential market

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133211439 , Length: 2


Your consulting firm has been hired by a client intent on opening a clothing store in Prince George. But they need your help to decide what type of clothes would sell best there.

The choices include:

  • Casual,
  • Designer,
  • Uniforms,
  • Ultra-Trendy,
  • Ethnic

The client wants a two-page fact-based research brief to help them decide what type of clothes to sell based on the potential market. The Potential market is the maximum number of people who are likely to buy a certain type of clothes in the area. This client will not accept speculation or opinions, they want fact-based research to discover what type of clothing store is most feasible before investing their hard-earned money!

The link to the City of Prince George statistics at the top of Module 3 is a good place to start.

Your analysis could comment on The following Headings and provide URL Web addresses of where you would find the facts:

  • Population size
  • Size of the Population age group with the income level likely to shop for that type of clothes
  • Number of Direct Competitors in PG competing for a share of the potential market
  • Psychographics of the Potential market group(s)
  • Common Clothes Shopping Behaviours of your Potential Market
  • Geographics, Climate, and Seasonal factors that may influence How, when, and where your potential customers will shop

Explain to the customer how you would do the research to identify each of the above markets in the Moodle answer space.

You may work on this exercise together with your group, but all students must submit this exercise individually.

Reference no: EM133211439

Questions Cloud

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