Reference no: EM132688851
Plan of Action
What is a plan of action?
Preparation work for the final advocacy campaign that helps guide you through the project.
Ensures that you have the research and resources that you need
Identifies your goals and outcomes
Makes sure your message and goals are effective and appropriate
Identifies your audience and how you are bringing your message to that audience
Helps you understand the outcomes and effect of your campaign
Your plan of action needs to address the following;
I. Identifying your type of campaign, purpose and goals
What are you doing?
Why are you doing this?
What do you hope to achieve?
What type of campaign is this; why this type of campaign?
What is your purpose? for what reason are you doing this?
What type of change is sought? What do you want people to be doing differently as a result of your campaign?
Definition of your goals; what counts a successful campaign?
II. Collecting evidence and research to support your purpose and goals
Explain why this is a valuable and worthwhile project
Is it realistic?
Is it practical and feasible?
What would this cost? Supplies, materials, copies of message document, time, travel etc.
What other efforts are being done on this issue; can you connect with other people/groups working on this issue?
What resources are necessary for this to happen? Who do you need to talk to? Get permission from?
III. Identify your audience and stakeholders
Who is your specific target audience?
What other stake holders need to be considered?
Collect data that identifies the needs, opinions and demographics of your audience.
Identify culturally appropriate message designs.
IV. Defining your objectives and strategies
What is the best way to influence key decision makers on this issue?
Why do you think your strategies are likely to be effective?
How will you distribute your information?
Your strategy and objectives needs to be based on actual evidence that you collect
What is your timeline for implementing this project?
V. Creating your message documents
What format will you use to get your message across?
How will you design your message?
How will you frame you message for your target audience?
What visual communication strategies will you use?
How will the document be distributed/circulated?
How do you know it will be seen by your target audience?
Why do you think this particular form of message (brochure, poster, social media document) is the best way to reach your audience?
VI. Evidence of Success
What would you consider a successful campaign to be?
What measures will you take to assess the success of your advocacy campaign?
What if your campaign was not successful?
The explanation of your plan of action should be 2-3 pages. Include your sources cited in bibliographic form (APA or MLA). Use a minimum of 5 current sources to support your plan of action decisions and message documents. [These sources should be different than the sources you used for your midterm assignment, if using the same topic].