What treatment is available for the patient

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM132432429


Create a free account. Review the user instructions after logging into your new account on how to create a newsletter.

1. Click the attached link to view the required video on Human Cognition:How Does the Brain Work?

2. Click the attached link to access additional required reading on Functional Neuroanatomy: Deep Structures

3. Click the attached link to access additional required video on Dr. Daniel Amen's TED Talk The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans:Daniel Amen Video.

Utilizing the knowledge gained from the above sites in addition to at least 2 other reliable resources to create a newsletter that a medical professional could use as a visual tool to provide a briefing for a caretaker of a patient who has undergone damage to a specific portion of the brain that caused specific behavioral changes to the patient.

Explain the following in your newsletter:

1. The region of the brain that was damaged and how the damage occurred.

2. The functions controlled by that portion of the brain

3. The behavioral changes that were observed following the brain damage.

4. If and what treatment is available for the patient.

5. Have caretaker of patient ask at least 3 questions that the medical professional will address.

Attachment:- Newsletter.rar

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The report is a news letter for the care taker of partially brain damaged person. The case is a damage to hippocampus and Amgydala. The regions damaged, the consequences, possible treatment options by the care taker are covered in the newsletter. The newsletter is given in the attached file. Also references are given.

Reference no: EM132432429

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