What treatment and assessments the theorist might recommend

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Reference no: EM133622865

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Prompt: Apply Freud's theory of psychoanalysis or Jung's theory of analytic psychology to the Case Conceptualization

Case Conceptualization: Mr. Freung is a married, Caucasian male in his late forties. He has two teenage children with his wife. He works a full-time job doing construction, where he is able to earn a middle-class income by working a lot of overtime. He is unhappy with his job, as he believes he is a much harder worker than his colleagues and ends up having to take on a lot of the work as a result. He has been with his wife since high school. He is presently experiencing marked anxiety, which appeared to have its onset after his mother died. He describes his mother, to whom he reports he was quite close, as a very nurturing and caring person. He describes poor relationships with his father and siblings. His parents were married up until when his mother died. He describes his anxiety as constant worry, physiological discomfort, and sleep disturbances. He recently began having extramarital affairs with women who he describes as exciting and who give him a lot of attention, unlike his wife, who he finds boring, rigid, and uninterested in him. He is adamant about not separating or divorcing from his wife, as he reports this does not align with his strong Christian values. He perceives his emotional and interpersonal concerns are interfering with his daily functioning and relationships with his children, and is uncertain what direction his life should take.

You are being asked to conceptualize this case by explaining how this person's current personality dynamics and presenting problems have developed, what is helping to maintain them in the present, and how treatment might influence their prognosis. In addition to considering how the theory might explain their personality, also discuss what treatment and/or assessments the theorist might recommend based on their presentation. Be sure to consider cultural background when formulating your conceptualization. Refer to the articles if you need help understanding case conceptualization and how it works.

Reference no: EM133622865

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