What traditional views management has of quality include

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM13920273

Part 1: Please select either TRUE OR FALSE for each of the following 25 questions. Make your selection by either highlighting, bold, or adding color to your selection. (Please do not use RED)

1) One Definition of Quality Control is the operational techniques and the activities which sustain a quality of product of service that will satisfy given needs. TRUE or FALSE

2) Statistical Quality Control defines the characteristics of a process through the use of theoretical data. TRUE or FALSE

3) An effective TQM approach includes effective leadership by management, focus on customer driven needs, employee empowerment, and integration with suppliers and business partners. TRUE or FALSE

4) A Quality Culture involves management empowering employees with a hands-off style once adequate training and implementation has been provided. TRUE or FALSE

5) A process is differentiated from a system by distinguishing a function from the means of accomplishing the function. TRUE or FALSE

6) Life Cycle costs can be defined as the total cost to the customer of purchasing, using, and maintaining a product over it life less any residual value. TRUE or FALSE

7) Acceleration can increase competitiveness through the reduction of errors in a given process. TRUE or FALSE

8) One consistent view found amongst the various founders of the Quality movement is that the effectiveness of a product or service is as important as the Customer's perception of quality. TRUE or FALSE

9) From a consumer's standpoint the concept of Quality lacks consistent perception. TRUE or FALSE

10) When conducting a survey, results and recommendations may not always be shared with the organization if they will affect moral.

11) Establishing a partnership is a traditional method of dealing with an external supplier. TRUE or FALSE

12) When establishing Goal and Objectives for quality improvement both long rang and short term planning must be considered. TRUE (ch14)

13) A quality approach involves a cooperative environment between external suppliers and the customer to provide fair priced products produced with profitable methods. TRUE or FALSE

14) Beneficial changes is quality can be achieved incrementally or through major innovations. TRUE or FALSE

15) A suggestion program is an example of an individual oriented quality improvement effort. TRUE or FALSE

16) A flowchart is a useful tool in mapping out the time sequence of events in a process. TRUE or FALSE

17) When implementing a TQM program, office politics should be avoided to focus on the empowerment and training of employees.

18) Any part of a process can be considered a source of variation.

19) The reputation of an organization with respect to quality can be found embedded within it organizational structure and culture.

20) It is always better to do a job right the first time; however money spent on prevention may not always be returned by the decreasing cost of quality assurance and failures. TRUE or FALSE

21) In establishing a Quality Culture management must focus on creating a supportive environment at all levels and functions. TRUE or FALSE

22) A Standards Committee is a good way to establish consistency of standards for products and processes. TRUE or FALSE

23) Quality Assurance is a system of activities whose purpose is to provide confidence that a product or service provides a given need.

24) Statistical tools are commonly use in evaluating the effectiveness of Quality. TRUE or FALSE

25) Quality improvement is the responsibility of the process owner.

PART II (M/C QUESTIONS): 2.5 points each

Please select the answer which best fits the statement for each of the following 10 questions. Make your selection by either highlighting, bold, or adding color to your selection. (Please do not use RED)

1) A means for documenting results of actions taken in operating a quality system are know as:

a) records
b) work instructions
c) procedures
d) all the above
e) a & c

2) A single time effort used to produce a unique product is called a:

a) process
b) project
c) production line
d) quality assurance program
e) none of the above

3) Traditional views management has of Quality include all the following except:

a) quality is expensive and lowers productivity
b) quality is intangible and can not be defined
c) poor quality is directly related to poor workers
d) quality should be left to quality professionals
e) quality is not a major issue on the overall success of a company
f) none of the above

4) Traits of a Quality Culture include all the following except:

a) family bond
b) career development
c) recognition
d) vertical organizational structure
e) empowerment
f) none of the above
g) all of the above

5) Initiating organizational change from TQM perspective:

a) takes time to complete
b) involves applying quality concepts to some products and processes
c) must focus on the customer
d) is often embraced by the employees
e) a & c
f) all the above
g) none of the above

6) The following are all examples of ways to motivate employees except:

a) assign tasks with an explanation of the purpose with the overall function
b) provide for adequate communication between all levels of the organization
c) design jobs with creativity and interest
d) provide for paths of career development
e) none of the above

7) When developing a network schedule, ______ are identified with zero float or slack.

a) time constraints
b) critical activities
c) quality processes
d) tasks
e) predecessors

8) It is possible for a work group to manage its own quality if the employees

a) know what they are supposed to do
b) know what they actually do
c) are empowered to take corrective actions
d) all the above
e) It is not possible for a work group to manage QC independently

9) A graphical tool use to understand a production process and help assure that the quality of products produced by that process is consistent over time is

a) histogram
b) bar chart
c) control chart
d) all the above
e) b & c only
f) none of the above

10) Typical symptoms of the need for process improvement include all the following except;

a) schedule overruns
b) poor economic performance
c) customer complaints
d) low employee moral
e) an extensive QC program with production
f) none of the above

Reference no: EM13920273

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