What total sample size would be required

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM132148571


Before beginning a study investigating the ability of a drug to lower cholesterol, baseline values of total serum cholesterol were measured for a sample of 30 healthy controls thought not to be at risk forcardiovascular disease. The mean value of total serum cholesterol for the sample is 5.5 mmol/L and thesample standard deviation is 1.56 mmol/L. Use this information to complete the following sentence.

"The two-sided 95% confidence interval for the true population mean of total serum cholesterol ranges from mmol/L to mmol/L"
* Note: round your answers to 2 decimal places


Now instead of the 95% confidence interval in question 1, construct a 99% confidence interval for the truepopulation mean of total serum cholesterol. Use this information to complete the following sentence.

"The two-sided 99% confidence interval for the true population mean of total serum cholesterol ranges from mmol/L to mmol/L"
* Note: round your answers to 2 decimal places


Which of the following statements about confidence intervals is correct? (To help you answer this question, compare the width of the intervals in Questions 1 and 2)

A 99% confidence interval is narrower than a corresponding 95% confidence interval because a greater precision is used.

A 99% confidence interval is narrower than a corresponding 95% confidence interval because a larger sample size is used.

A 99% confidence interval is wider than a corresponding 95% confidence interval because we are more certain we have captured the true population mean.

A 99% confidence interval is wider than a corresponding 95% confidence interval because a larger standard deviation is used.


In order to construct the confidence intervals in questions 1 and 2, what assumption must be made about the underlying distribution of total serum cholesterol?

That it follows a uniform distribution

That it follows a binomial distribution

That it follows a beta distribution

That it follows a normal distribution


Suppose you are interested in investigating the association between coffee consumption and assessment performance. In a group of 300 students who admit to drinking at least 3 cups of coffee per day, 204 achieved a credit or better on their last test, whilst among 450 students who deny having any coffee at all, 270 achieved a credit or better.
Which of the following is the correct null (H0) and alternative (HA) hypothesis for the test of coffee consumption and its association with test performance?

H0: The number of credit grades achieved by coffee drinkers is equal to the number of credit grades achieved by non-coffee drinkers
HA: The number of credit grades achieved by coffee drinkers is not equal to the number of credit grades achieved by non-coffee drinkers

H0: The proportion of credit grades achieved by coffee drinkers is not equal to the proportion of credit grades achieved by non-coffee drinkers
HA: The proportion of credit grades achieved by coffee drinkers is equal to the proportion of credit grades achieved by non-coffee drinkers

H0: The number of credit grades achieved by coffee drinkers is not equal to the number of credit grades achieved by non-coffee drinkers
HA: The number of credit grades achieved by coffee drinkers is equal to the number of credit grades achieved by non-coffee drinkers

H0: The proportion of credit grades achieved by coffee drinkers is equal to the proportion of credit grades achieved by non-coffee drinkers
HA: The proportion of credit grades achieved by coffee drinkers is not equal to the proportion of credit grades achieved by non-coffee drinkers

QUESTION 6 The following output corresponds to the test of the relationship between coffee drinking and test performance.

What stata code would you use to generate this output?

QUESTION 7 Briefly describe what you conclude from the test results in question 6.

QUESTION 8 The distribution of weight for the population of women with anorexia between the ages of 30 and 34 has an unknown mean μ, and an unknown standard deviation σ. A clinician wants to know whether the mean weight of this population is less than the mean weight of the general population of females aged 30 to 34, which is 65.3 kg.

Which of the statements below correspond to a one-sided hypothesis test of the clinician's question?

H0: µ > 65.3
HA: µ < 65.3

H0: µ < 65.3
HA: µ ≥ 65.3

H0: µ = 65.3
HA: µ ≠ 65.3

H0: µ ≥ 65.3
HA: µ < 65.3

QUESTION 9 The clinician (from question 8) took a sample of ten anorexic women aged between 30 to 34. Their mean weight is 43.1 kg and the sample standard deviation s = 12.5 kg.
Which p-value corresponds to the hypothesis test for the clinician's question?

QUESTION 10 From the hypothesis test in question 8 & 9 determine if the following statement is true or false.
"The clinician chose a 1% significance level. If the significance level had been set at 5% instead, the test would still be significant. "

QUESTION 11 Which of the following changes would decrease the p-value shown in the output from question 9?
Note: For each of these changes assume that everything else is the same as it is in question 9

A decrease in the sample mean

An increase in the sample standard deviation

A decrease in the sample standard deviation

An increase in the sample size

An increase in the sample mean

A decrease in the sample size

QUESTION 12 To decrease the p-value in question 11 what would be most feasible for the clinician to change?

The sample mean

The sample size

The sample standard deviation

QUESTION 13 Heel pain (plantar fasciitis) is estimated to affect about 10% of the population in their lifetime, and a higher percentage in regular runners. The pain is characteristically worse first thing in the morning and on arising after prolonged sitting. A recent study was performed in patients with chronic heel pain of at least six months duration. In one component of the study, 39 patients received a course of three weeks of physiotherapy including ultrasound and stretching exercises. Pain and function of the foot was measured at baseline and after 6 weeks (i.e. 3 weeks after physiotherapy ceased) using the Maryland Foot Scale, which is a disability index scored on a zero to 100 scale, with higher scores indicating better status (better foot function and less pain). Data on the baseline (pre-treatment) and six week follow-up Maryland Foot scores for the 39 patients are provided in the data setfoot.dta. The baseline scores are in the variable foot_b and the six week follow-up scores are in foot_6wk.
Test the null hypothesis that the mean Maryland foot score at baseline is the same as the mean Maryland foot score at 6 weeks in individuals suffering from heel pain, and upload your output.
(Note: Use a two-sided test at the 0.05 level of significance)
1. Attach File

QUESTION 14 Regardless of how you answered question 13, use a t-test to complete the following statement:
"On average, Maryland foot scores at are points higher than at . The 95% confidence interval for this difference is between and points with a p-value of ."
Note: Round estimates to 2 decimal places and p-values to 4 decimal places. If you get p-values which are smaller than 0.0001 then use the less than sign to indicate this (i.e. < 0.0001 or < .0001)

QUESTION 15 Decide if the following statement is true or false based on your output from question 13.
"From this data there is evidence to suggest that there is a treatment benefit to patients suffering heel pain from the three week physiotherapy, ultrasound and stretching exercise program."

QUESTION 16 This question concerns the analysis of a subset of the data collected in an observational longitudinal study of knee cartilage volume in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of disability and imposes an enormous health care cost to the community. Osteoarthritis of the knee has been difficult to measure, relying often on fairly crude x-ray images to estimate knee cartilage damage. Recently magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been introduced as a method to measure knee cartilage volume directly. The dataset presented in this assignment consists of MRI measurements of the volume of the medial tibial cartilage of one knee from each of 37 patients (17 men, 20 women) aged between 40 and 50 years. Patients were assessed at baseline, and followed up after 2 years and 4 years. Below is a summary of the variables contained in the provided Stata dataset cart_mri.dta
id Patient ID number
cartvol0 Cartilage volume (mg/cm2) at baseline (time 0)
cartvol2 Cartilage volume at the 2 year follow-up (time 2)
cartvol4 Cartilage volume at the 4 year follow-up (time 4)
gender Gender (1=Female, 0=Male)
2. Use an appropriate non-parametric test to determine whether, at the 4 year follow-up, there is a difference in knee cartilage volume between men and women. Upload your output.
3. Note: The test does not require you to look at the difference between baseline and 4 year measurements.
1. Attach File

QUESTION 17 Which of the following statements are true? You may select more than one.

Based on the results of the non-parametric test (question 16) and using a 5% significance level, the null hypothesis should be rejected. There is sufficient evidence to suggest there is a difference in knee cartilage volume between men and women at the 4 year follow-up.

Based on the results of the non-parametric test (question 16) and using a 5% significance level, the null hypothesis should not be rejected. There is insufficient evidence to suggest there is a difference in knee cartilage volume between men and women at the 4 year follow-up.

A parametric test has more power to detect a difference than an equivalent non-parametric test.

A parametric test should always be used if detecting a difference is clinically important.

Using a non-parametric method when it is not necessary means that we could miss out on detecting a true difference.

The equivalent parametric test of the hypothesis in question 16 is the paired t-test.

The distribution of the sample data should be examined and an assessment made about normality before a decision is made about using a parametric or non-parametric test.

QUESTION 18 A randomised controlled trial is being planned to determine the effectiveness of a vaccine in controlling influenza in the elderly (classified as 75+ years old). It is known that approximately 18% of the 75+ year old population, if left untreated, will contract the virus.
What is the total sample size required to detect a difference of 10% in influenza cases between the vaccine and control groups with 90% power using an α = 0.01 level of significance?
Note: If using PSPower, the sample size will be for a chi-squared test or two sample test of proportions, which are equivalent. If using Stata, the sample size will be for Fisher's exact test. Or you can use the hand calculation. [All answers arrived at through correct use of any of these methods will be marked correctly, though they will differ]

QUESTION 19 Imagine that the trial planned in question 18 went ahead with the sample size you calculated.
What is the probability of making a type II error?
Note: State your answer to the nearest percent but do not include the percent symbol.

QUESTION 20 What total sample size would be required if the researchers (who devised the trial in question 18) were willing to risk a 20% chance of failing to reject a false null hypothesis?

QUESTION 21 The researchers involved in the vaccine study decide that they will individually sample a total of 600 elderly patients (300 vaccines, 300 controls) but realise that individual sampling will be impractical. They consider the use of a clustered design instead and come up with the following possible designs:-
• Roll out the vaccine at 5 different hospitals where they could vaccinate an average of 60 elderly patients per hospital while also having 5 control hospitals also with 60 patients per hospital
• Roll out the vaccine at 15 nursing homes where they could vaccinate an average of 20 elderly patients per nursing home while also having 15 control nursing homes also with 20 patients per home
Measurements on patients within hospitals are expected to be less correlated (ρ = 0.01) than measurements on patients within nursing homes (ρ = 0.05) but the researchers only have a total of 500 vaccines in their inventory. Which study design will still give them the power they need but won't require more vaccines than are available?

Rolling out the vaccine at hospitals

Rolling out the vaccine at nursing homes



QUESTION 22 Explain one consequence that a small sample size has on statistical inference and/or the conclusions of a study.

Attachment:- STATS.rar

Verified Expert

Statistical inference is the process of using data analysis to deduce properties of an underlying probability distribution. Inferential statistical analysis infers properties of a population, for example by testing hypotheses and deriving estimates.

Reference no: EM132148571

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11/27/2018 2:36:13 AM

I have attached the data set. It needs to be downloaded and then opened using STATA. I have attached the list of all the variables as well. This is the data set that needs to be opened using STAT - I'm unable to provide all the details of the set. your expert was perfect in understanding this. From the paper, it was clear that he has read all the instructions. Obviously, it was the best and needed not to be modified because it got me on 09/10. Applauds for the whole team.

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