Reference no: EM131895392
We've talked in class about the great American paradox. On one hand, you have the language of freedom, most famous of all being Jefferson's proclamation that "All men are created equal." On the other hand, however, you have the institution of slavery. These types of contradictions are oftentimes what is so controversial about American history. Which part should we focus on? What is the truth? This debate comes up all the time, most recently in debates about what to do with certain monuments of men who often embodied in many ways the contradictions of the country. Do we, for instance, tear down a statue of Thomas Jefferson or do we keep it up?
Readings on elearn ("Is it still okay to venerate George Washington and Thomas Jefferson" and "Charlottesville: Why Jefferson Matters"). Both respond to the protests in Charlottesville that took place in 2017 and specifically the altercations that took place near a statue of Thomas Jefferson on the campus of the University of Virginia.
For this paper, I want you to engage with these debates. The paper does not necessarily have to be a conventional paper with a thesis statement and that sort of thing. It does need to have two parts, however; other than that, though, you can organize it any way you like.
For "Part One" of your paper, you need to summarize the articles. What are the authors' main points? This should be specific and detailed.
For "Part Two," you should offer up some analysis of whether you agree with the articles or not. In this part, you'll want to try to make some connections from class to the issue at hand. In class, we have discussed several readings that deal with the dual themes of freedom and slavery ("Effia", "A Mercy", and "Thomas Jefferson dreams of Sally Hemings"). How have these readings helped you to think about the issues involving the statues? Making a connection between class and what they are talking about in these articles is a very important part of the paper.
The paper should be 2-5 pages. You do not need a worked cited page or anything like that. You also are not encouraged to consult outside sources for the essay. This paper is all about your own analysis and your own opinions.
Article: "Is it still okey to venerate George Washington and THoms Jefferson?" by David A. Bell.
Reading: Charlottesville: Why Jefferson Matters by Annette Gordon-Reed.