What time and day of the week was this show offered

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Reference no: EM133492555

Question: Develop a thesis statement that argues something about how your genre has changed in terms of your issue over time. Argue this in at least three important ways.

For each show, discuss (in chronological order):
• What time and day of the week was this show offered?
• What network or service was this show on?
• How many episodes of this show were there, over what period of time?
• Who were the stars? What other influence did they have on the media landscape (other TV, movies, magazines, etc.)
• Who might have watched this show? Who might they have watched with?
• Through what mechanism might they have watched this show?
• Were there other ways to watch this show than on TV at a specific time?
• How were people likely to get or share information about this show?
• What did the networks or show producers get from viewers of the show? How did they take their feelings into account?
• What can you say about gender or sexuality, race and ethnicity and/or social class and this show?

Reference no: EM133492555

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