What threats does pinterest face in the future

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131456999 , Length: 2

Write a 2 page (500) paper summarizing the case and answering any three of the questions at the end. You are allowed to discuss the case with your classmates if you wish, but you must write your own paper. Please turn it in by email as usual.

Pinterest: Revolutionizing the Web-Again; starting on page 561 (Case and Questions Attached); summarize the case and answer 3 of the 4 questions

Questions for Discussion

17-18 Analyze the forces in the marketing environment thathave contributed to Pinterest's explosion in popularity.

17-19 Why has Pinterest demonstrated such a high influenceon consumers' decisions to purchase products?

17-20 Discuss ways that companies can use Pinterest to buildtheir own brands and generate sales.

17-21 What threats does Pinterest face in the future? Give recommendationsfor dealing with those threats.

Attachment:- case_pinterest_revolutionizing_the_web-again.rar

Reference no: EM131456999

Questions Cloud

Why is the monetary approach suitable : 1. Why is the monetary approach suitable to explain exchange rate behavior in the long-run, but not in the short-run?
Shares of common stock outstanding-preferred stock weight : WhackAmOle has 3 million shares of common stock outstanding, 2.0 million shares of preferred stock outstanding, Preferred stock weight
Inflation differential for the coming year : a. What is the expected U.S. minus EU inflation differential for the coming year? b. What is the current U.S. real exchange rate, qUS/EU?
What are the implications of placing marketing specialists : What are the implications of placing marketing specialists in a market place without training on local customs and cultures? What are the implications?
What threats does pinterest face in the future : Analyze the forces in the marketing environment thathave contributed to Pinterest's explosion in popularity.What threats does Pinterest face in the future?
Overtime pay for hours worked in excess : Workers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) must receive overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40-per-week of at least 1.5 times their regular.
How does analyzing the external environment : In this week's video, Michael Porter states that most companies don't have a strategy. He further states that there is no "best" in business competition.
Find hartmans unlevered beta : Use the Hamada equation to find Hartman's unlevered beta, bU.
Explain data sets and uncover important information used : During the course, you have applied a variety of methods to analyze data sets and uncover important information used in decision making.


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