What they will receive in monthly benefit once they retire

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Reference no: EM133613404

Question: In your grandparents' generation, workers often stayed with one firm for the majority of their career and companies typically offered workers a Defined Benefit (DB) pension plan. With a DB plan, the employer invests money each month in a well-diversified set of investments. For the employee, there is a formula for what they will receive in monthly benefit once they retire. That amount is typically a function of years worked, the highest three consecutive annual salaries, and age. The beauty of a DB plan is that the company assumes responsibility for both investment risk and longevity risk. If investment returns are lower than expected, the company needs to invest more money into its DB plan. Similarly, if retirees live longer than expected, the company needs to invest more. All of this works well if the company is healthy. However, if the company suffers from competition or can't keep up with technological change, then its ability to keep its end of the DB bargain is compromised. In a worst case, a company goes bankrupt and current employees as well as retirees can no longer count on the promised DB retirement formula.

Reference no: EM133613404

Questions Cloud

Considered which stage of adopters : He's done enough research and thinks that it would really benefit him and so wants to purchase it even though he would be one of the first to buy.
Difference between sex and gender : Understand the difference between sex and gender. Explain the purity myth and the double standard it represents for women.
What does a negative net profit margin indicate : What does a negative net profit margin indicate? That a company is making more money than it is spending that a company is making the same amount of money.
Did it change any previous notions you had or not : What were your learnings and findings in the use cases? 2. Did it change any previous notions you had or not?
What they will receive in monthly benefit once they retire : In a worst case, a company goes bankrupt and current employees as well as retirees can no longer count on the promised DB retirement formula
What would have happened if peer-to-peer had been used : As this had to do with large sums of money (in the millions), what would have happened if peer-to-peer had been used and each department 'did their own thing
Calculate the annual sum of the c taken up and stored : Calculate the annual sum of the C taken up and stored as wood from your answers to question A and B, and compare that to the amount of anthropogenic C emitted.
What is the role of religion in society : What is the role of religion in society? Does it have a function of social cohesion (glue) or source of division (deepening inequalities)?
Cultural bases of innovation : All employees are expected to participate in discussions as equals, even though decisions are ultimately the responsibility of top managers


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