What the surrogate believes the pt would chose

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Reference no: EM133254637

Definition: What the surrogate believes the pt would chose now if able to understand his or her present condition and the likely consequences of the treatment choice.

A. Best interests

B. Substituted Judgment

C. Deference to explicit wishes

D. Surrogate's call

2. Definition: An individual whom the pt designated as a surrogate for health care decisions; in some states, this individual is called the pt's healthcare proxy.

A. Power of Attorney

B. Health Care Agent

C. "Surrogate"

D. Common Law Surrogate

3. Definition: What the surrogate believes, all things considered, would be best for the patient.

A. Substituted Judgment

B. Best interests

C. Surrogate's call

D. Deference to explicit wishes

4. Definition: An individual whom the physician of record appointed as a health care decision maker for a patient (in states such as TN that allow such an appointment); this is also a generic term for anyone making health decisions for another.

A. Common Law Surrogate

B. Health Care Agent

C. "Surrogate"

D. Power of Attorney

5. Definition: An individual who is customarily recognized as a healthcare decision-maker because of his or her (family) relationship with the patient.

A. Common Law Surrogate

B. "Surrogate"

C. Power of Attorney

D. Health Care Agent

6. Definition: Two names for court-appointed surrogate decision-makers are (Mark all that apply):

A. Advocate

B. Conservator

C. Guardian

D. Regent

7. Application: State law allows adolescents of "any reasonable age" to access treatment for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) without giving notice or gaining permission from a parent. A 15-year-old with the maturity typical of that age presents at a public health clinic with pelvic pain, a foul-smelling vaginal discharge, and a low grade fever. On questioning, she shares that she and her boyfriend (another teen in her grade at school) have been sexually active over the past month. The teen requests treatment. Although the nurse practitioner encourages the teen to communicate with her mother, the teen resists.

From whom should the nurse practitioner seek consent/permission to treat?

A. Both the patient and her mother-they should share decision making.

B. The patient alone-she apparently has capacity and does not need a surrogate for treatment of an STI.

C. The mother alone-the patient is a minor who lives at home and is still her mother's responsibility.

8. Definition: A court-appointed guardian with the responsibility to decide an issue that the court has clearly defined, for example, whether an incompetent patient should receive burdensome chemo that might (or might not) prolong life.

A. Conservator

B. Guardian ad litem (= for the lawsuit)

C. Advocate

D. Limited regent

9. Application: Joseph Saikewicz was a 70 year old with a severe developmental delay that left him nonverbal. He had functioned on the mental level of a toddler throughout his adult life. What surrogate decision making principle should guide care decisions for Mr. Saikewicz once he was diagnosed with a terminal leukemia?

A. Substituted Judgment

B. Deference to explicit wishes

C. Best interests

D. Surrogate's call

10. Application: Bro. Fox told his close friend, Fr. Eichner, that he would not want his life maintained via mechanical ventilation, if he were permanently unconscious. After suffering significant brain injury due to cardiac arrest during a surgery, Bro. Fox remained on a ventilator with no expectation of recovery of consciousness. Bro. Fox's prior statements bear directly on the matter at hand.

What surrogate decision making principle should guide care decisions for Bro. Fox?

A. Substituted Judgment

B. Best interests

C. Surrogate's call

D. Deference to explicit wishes

Reference no: EM133254637

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