Reference no: EM132420858
Upon the conclusion of your Campaign production, and as part of the final assessment for this course , you will write a blog where you will write your individual opinion and insight regarding this campaign.
- You will create content that appeals to your audience as an extra promotional piece to disseminate your campaign's message.
- You will need four paragraphs that will include your 5Ws and the H, telling your readers
Question 1: Who is creating this awareness or message and who the campaign is for
Question 2: What the message and intention of the campaign is
Question 3: When they should take action and When your topic was, is and will be relevant to help them according to your investigation
Question 4: Where they should call, go or see it happening, taking place, resolving a problem
Question 5: Why this is so crucial and Why you are doing it
Question 6: and How you came to create it and disseminate it.
Write blog style, free writing, but maintain logic and an order in your writing; clarity, so readers can understand and use an image, illustration, or video to support your content.