Reference no: EM13740891
A) upheld the assumption that human behavior is the result of rational calculation
B) based his analysis on quantitative sociological data
C) described ingrained moral values as the superego
D) called the rational conscious mind the id
E) all of the above
Which of the following was a movie?
A) Great Train Robbery
B) Quo Vadis
C) Birth of a Nation
D) The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
E) all of the above
A) brought new members into the Communist Party
B) shifted some resources to consumer production
C) created great ferment among writers
D) stimulated rebelliousness in the eastern European satellite states
E) all of the above
Between 1856 and 1860 Britain and France renewed hostilities against China. As a result
A) the British and French were forced to evacuate China
B) the Chinese set fire to Beijing rather than give it to the enemy
C) the Chinese government was forced to give concessions to the Europeans, that is, to lease treaty ports in perpetuity.
D) Shanghai was closed to foreigners
E) all of the above
The Culture System was
A) British educational scheme for India
B) way of encouraging western education in Indonesia
C) attempt to "civilize" Indonesians
D) forced payment of the produce of a fifth of Indonesian peasant land to the Dutch in taxes
E) French program to Christianize Vietnam
Cuba and the Brazil ended slavery before the United States.
A) True
B) False
The goals of Bismarck's foreign policy after German unification in 1871 were to
A) enlarge German territory in Europe
B) defeat and permanently occupy France
C) detach the Ukraine from Russia
D) isolate France diplomatically
E) all of the above
Sun Yatsen was a
A) Communist
B) Bolshevik
C) nationalist
D) war lord
E) all of the above
The Revolutionary period in Western politics between 1775 and 1815 was fueled by two ideas
A) socialism and nationalism
B) liberty and equality
C) free enterprise and self interest
D) monarchy and aristocracy
E) utopian and scientific socialism
In 1800 the Spanish Empire included
A) present day California
B) present day Texas
C) Chile
D) Mexico
E) all of the above
Sun Yatsen
A) helped bring an end to the Chinese monarchy or imperial government
B) was a boy emperor
C) was a Chinese communist
D) led the Boxers against foreigners
E) was a Manchu general who drove the foreigners out of China
Picasso's Guernica
A) combines styles of expressionism, cubism and surrealism
B) commemorates the fascist bombing of a Spanish town
C) was painted in colors of black and white
D) was meant to attack "brutality and darkness"
E) all of the above
Which of the following powers entered World War I against Germany?
A) The United States
B) Japan
C) Italy
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
At the Yalta Conference in February 1945
A) Stalin was in the strongest position
B) it was agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation
C) Stalin agreed to enter the war against Japan after Germany was defeated
D) eastern European governments were to be freely elected but pro-Russian
E) all of the above
The Great Fear led to
A) the storming of the Bastille
B) the forced removal of the royal family from Versailles to Paris
C) spontaneous and violent insurrection by peasants against their lords
D) a declaration of war on France by the crowned heads of Europe
E) the Jacobin terror
In Britain between 1780 and 1851
A) GNP declined by 50%
B) income dropped
C) wealth declined
D) the population increased from 9 to 21 million
E) all of the above
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
A) took Austria out of the war
B) was approved over Lenin's objections
C) cost Russia one third of its population
D) asked for no territory from Russia
E) all of the above
Post communist eastern Europe shared the following characteristics
A) state planning was replaced with market mechanisms
B) socialism was replaced with private property
C) western style politics took hold
D) ordinary citizens and the elderly were the big losers
E) all of the above
Joseph Conrad and J.A. Hobson shared in common
A) the championing of imperialism
B) criticism of imperialism
C) a Christian desire to evangelize the world
D) a belief in the virtues of competitive world capitalism
E) a hatred of Africa and Asia
in the Spanish Empre the peninsulares were
A) natives of Spain and Portugal
B) colonial officials
C) economically dominant
D) about thirty thousand in 1800
E) all of the above
In 1947 the United Nations passed a non binding resolution to
A) partition Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab
B) create a Jewish homeland
C) preserve Palestine for the Arabs
D) leave the future of Palestine in the hands of the British
E) let the inhabitants of Palestine work out their own solution
The Nuremberg Laws
A) gave Hitler absolute power
B) curtailed the power of the Storm Troopers
C) deprive German Jews of the rights of citizenship
D) took Germany out of the League of Nations
E) all of the above
Immigrants to Latin America
A) were mainly males
B) experienced relatively rapid economic success especially by the second generation
C) settled mainly in the cities
D) brought a variety of skills to the area
E) all of the above
The policy of glasnost
A) allowed freer speech and expression
B) brought free elections to Russia
C) replaced socialism with capitalism
D) abolished the secret police
E) all of the above
Charles Fourier advocated
A) a centralized planned economy
B) free markets with no government interference
C) the abolition of marriage and sexual freedom
D) class warfare
E) all of the above
Social impacts of World War I included
A) greater social equality
B) blurring of class distinctions
C) lessening the gap between the rich and the poor
D) dramatic changes in the role of women
E) all of the above
The Second International
A) was founded by Karl Marx
B) collapsed when he endorsed the Paris Commune
C) interpreted Marxian doctrine and planned coordinated action
D) declared May Day as the day for violent revolution against the bourgeois states
E) all of the above
the Congress of Vienna
A) was a peace conference convened by the Prussia, Russia, Austria and Great Britain after the defeat of Napoleon.
B) restored the Bourbon dynasty to France
C) awarded Prussia territory on France's eastern border
D) treated France leniently in order to preserve a balance of power in Europe.
E) all of the above
Latin American revolutions and wars for independence
A) empowered the people
B) ended exploitation of the peasantry
C) differed in outcomes from the American revolution
D) were shorter than the American revolution
E) all of the above
Anti-utopian writers included
A) Franz Kafka
B) George Orwell
C) T.S. Eliot
D) Oswald Spengler
E) all of the above
Korea was forced to open it ports to trade by
A) The U.S.
B) France
C) Russia
D) Japan
E) all of the above
British impact on India included
A) investment in agriculture
B) linking cities with railroads and telegraphs
C) extensive irrigation
D) development of factories employing one million Indians by 1914
E) all of the above
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
A) sought to regenerate Islam
B) sought the unity of all Muslim peoples
C) wanted to over throw corrupt Muslim rulers
D) wanted to defeat foreign exploiters
E) all of the above
Stalin's industrialization plans
A) were completely unsuccessful
B) led to the creation of dozens of new factories
C) were accomplished without burdensome taxation
D) were accomplished without the use of foreign experts
E) all of the above
The main targets of European Imperialism between 1880 and 1900 were
A) Africa and Asia
B) Latin American regions
C) Middle Eastern regions
D) the periphery of Europe
E) all of the above
The fall of communism in Russia was followed by the following conditions
A) runaway inflation
B) a new capitalist elite of managers, financiers, and former officials.
C) a vast majority that saw their savings become worthless
D) life expectancy of the average Russian male dropped from 69 years in 1991 to 58 years in 1996
E) all of the above
Gamal Abdel Nasser
A) came to power in Egypt in 1952 when he drove out King Farouk
B) nationalized the estates along the Nile and divided the land among the peasants without violence or declines in production
C) advocated neutrality in the cold war between the Soviet Union and the West
D) nationalized the European owned Suez Canal Company in 1956.
E) all of the above
Assets supporting English economic growth included
A) relatively good government
B) an experienced business class
C) an effective central bank
D) a large class of relatively mobile agricultural laborers
E) all of the above
The March revolution in Russia occurred when
A) Germany overthrew the Tsar
B) the Duma declared a provisional government
C) Lenin came to power
D) Kerensky set up a military dictatorship
E) all of the above
The boom in the English iron industry was facilitated by
A) steam driven bellows
B) the use of coke
C) the puddling furnace
D) steam powered rolling mills
E) all of the above.