What the general responsibilities would be in short

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Reference no: EM132013929 , Length: word count : 1400

Pre-planning with all stakeholders is a key element in successful long -term recovery following a disaster.

Understanding the potential types of debris that may follow an event is integral to planning for how it may be transported, where it will be stored, and how it will ultimately be removed from the community.

This type of planning is important because it can be time consuming, expensive and may be dangerous to health and the environment.

Choose a case study that has adequate research material prepared to support your positions (Library, academic papers, trade journal articles, or credible news sources). Website resources should be .org, .mil, .edu, etc.

Write a 1,400-1,750 word essay documenting a disaster that occurred within the past 5 years.

Include the following components in your essay:

An operational analysis describing the following components:

• Reference Box 4.3: Key Elements for Debris-ManagementPlanning (Phillips, 2009, pp. 114) as a guide to describe the various elements of the disaster recovery process in the disaster you chose to research.

• Describe the roles and responsibilities of the different typical and atypical partners in the disaster recovery process.

• Identify various agencies, departments, companies, or organizations and what the general responsibilities would be in short - term and long - term disaster recovery planning.

• Give specific examples from the case study to demonstrate how short - term and long - term disaster recovery planning was accomplished, or how it left a gap in the planning process.

A holistic analysis (p. 51 of your text) with consideration to the following:

• Quality of life

• Economic viability

• Social equity

• Environmental quality

• Disaster resilience

Resources: Writing Center and Directions icons below.

Cite your sources ; use APA format .

Include a title slide and reference slide.

Format your work using APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM132013929

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