Reference no: EM132563826
Question: Do some inside research and see the what the Employee Value Proposition of Waffle House is.
1. At the start of your project report, provide an introduction that briefly introduces your organization and that gives the reader an overview of what you will be discussing in the rest of the report (the project scope). Hint: cite information from your company's website in this section if it is your main source of information... and don't forget to do this in APA style.
2. Discuss 2 -3 concrete and real examples of the practices this organization has in place to support the employee value proposition. Explain the impact that you believe that EACH of these practices has on organizational outcomes(i.e. employee satisfaction can lead to higher productivity). In this section, you will need to use the resources that are provided by your employer. Note: Often times, this objective involves gathering information from your company's Intranet or via informal interviews with colleagues / supervisors. You may need to include this information in the appendices of the paper - (i.e. screenshots or questions asked of colleagues). Please include a confidentiality clause on the title page of your project paper if you feel it is necessary. *Please see below for additional information on "irretrievable resources".
3. Suggest 2 -3 additional organizational initiatives that your employer could potentially introduce and explain why these would be advantageous in your organization. Base these suggestions on what other similar organizations are successfully offering as EVP practices. You will need to do outside research for this objective and cite that research.
4. Discuss any examples of how your organization is currently measuring the return on investment of its current employee value practices(Objective 2)and how they are measuring this.For example, a common ROI is employee retention or employee satisfaction.Keep in mind that the ROI does not have to be measured in dollars and cents. If they are not currently measuring the ROI of the practices, provide an explanation or rationale for why you think this is.
5. Finally, give two examples of how your organization could potentially measure two of the EVP practices you've discussed in the paper (either for Object 2 or Object 3 above). You will need to do outside research for this objective and cite that research.