Reference no: EM132358568
Working in Professions Assignment - Executive Summary and Presentation
A profession is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and who hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognised body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to apply this knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others (Australian Council of Professions, 2019).
Greenwood (1957) state professions must have elements such as a systematic body of theory or knowledge, authority and credibility, community sanction, or regulation and control of its members, code of ethics, professional culture, or a culture of values, norms and symbols. Freidson (1970) argue that the key feature for distinguishing professions from other occupations is their independence and "position of legitimate control over work". While Miller et al 2006 suggest that professions require an integrity system that emphasises protecting members of the public as clients.
An understanding of the external images of a profession is important to an appreciation of the roles of professionals in a broader social context. A profession considers it necessary to project an image of confidence and respectability and to offer challenges, rewards and prospects in order to attract and retain the most talented members (for example, Buffini and Cornell, 2005, Kazi, 2006). Similarly, maintaining and enhancing jurisdiction over work, including the often hard-won privileges of a profession, depends upon perceptions within the broader community of the education, expertise and ethics of members. Upholding the public's trust is essential not only for preserving respectability but also for ensuring the survival of its member's status as a profession.
Accordingly, it is hardly surprising that professional associations strive to project a positive image of its members in order to attract the best members, to extend jurisdiction over work, and to sustain and enhance the faith of the public in the profession. Much has been written about popular perceptions of lawyers and the legal profession (for example, Abel, 1997). However, relatively little scholarly attention has been paid to the issue for other professions.
Part 1: Professional Tasks
The Professional task is a group assessment in the Working in Professions unit of study. Group of five members will be formed and each group will research on any one the following six professions and write a report.
1. Accounting
2. Banking and Finance
3. Economics
4. Financial Planning
5. Law
6. Property
Group will research on at least one professional membership organisation in Australia and one overseas in any country in either Africa, The Americas, Asia, Europe or Oceania, in any one of the six professions above and write a report (Professional Task) to the Professional Standards Council of Australia. After researching on one professional member organisation from Australia and one form overseas, each group will compare them using the following questions and provide evidence to justification/support their findings.
1. Research on at least one Australian professional membership organisations under any one of the six Professions, and compare it with one overseas Professional member organisation in terms of the similarities and differences relating to the following.
a. Their Mission
b. Specific job titles within the profession
c. Educational/membership eligibility requirements
d. Professional experience eligibility requirement
e. Professional certification requirements
f. Continuing Professional Development requirements
g. Code of ethics
h. Code of Conduct
i. Services the professional body provides to members
j. Cost of Membership
2. What are the benefits and obstacles to joining your selected professional body in Australia and maintaining membership? How does it differ from your chosen professional membership organisation in your chosen overseas country?
3. Is there a need to be a member of your chosen professional body in order to practice in the profession in Australia? How does this differ from to your profession in your chosen overseas country?
4. From your chosen professions' perspective are there any legislative/regulatory requirements that your chosen profession or professional services organisation need to follow in Australia. Is it different in your chosen overseas county?
5. Discuss any significant issues/challenges facing your chosen profession in Australia and in your chosen overseas country.
6. Evaluate overall strengths and weakness of your chosen profession to its members and to the public?
7. Summarise your discussion for the Professional Standards Council of Australia.
8. Prepare your group's presentation slides for the Professional Standards Council of Australia and attach them as appendix to your report.
Part 2: Presentation
Requirements: In Week 2 students will be placed in groups of four to five members. Each group is required to research on one of the following five professions as per the requirements in Part 1: Professional Task;
The professions:
1. Accounting
2. Banking and Finance
3. Economics
4. Financial Planning
5. Law
6. Property
The Presentation task is a group assessment in the Working in Professions unit of study. Group of five members will be formed and each group will research and present their report findings on the professions from their report (Professional Task) in Part 1 to the class who would represent Professional Standards Council of Australia. The presentation needs to answer questions from Part 1 report and provide evidence to justification/support their findings.
Each member of the group needs to present for minimum 3 minutes, total presentation time 15 minutes per group of 5 members excluding any question time.
Note - The Profession: Banking and Finance and The Oversea Country to compare: the Americas. The Question 1 just need to answer part E and F and also answer the Question 2. Do not answer the remaining questions. Thanks.
Attachment:- Working in Professions Assignment File.rar