What tests will you need to run

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Reference no: EM131916416

Assignment -

Watch this video - Choosing a Statistical Test.


State the question you will pursue in the box to the right. (This should be copied and pasted from the list of questions and should be the same question submitted in weeks 2 and 3 unless you have changed your question.)

Can gender be a precipitating factor to determine the length of stay for a MI patient?

What test/analysis technique will you perform? (It is highly recommended that you choose ONLY ONE test or technique. Some examples include a t-test, regression, etc.)

To determine if the means of the two genders are different. The chi square test will be used to test the hypothesis. As the variables are in non-metric form. When the dependent and independent variables are in non-metric form. i.e. nominal or ordinal level data we will perform chi square.

Also given,

Ho: Gender is independent of length of stay in the hospital.

Ha: Gender is dependent of length of stay in the hospital.

By chi square test we will come to know whether there exists a dependency or not between the variables.

There is a hypothesis test associated with your test/technique (even if you are not doing a t-test). What is your null hypothesis?

Ho: Gender is a precipitating factor for longer hospital stays in the hospital after an MI or longer hospital stays in the hospital after an MI is independent of gender

What is your alternative hypothesis?

Ha: Gender is NOT a precipitating factor for longer hospital stays in the hospital after an MI or longer hospital stays in the hospital after an MI is dependent of gender

How will your technique(s)/test(s) help you answer your question of interest?

This will examine the relationship of a set of predictive, quantitative variables (gender) in predicting the outcome of another quantitative variable (LOS) and what predictor (gender) specially might be significant predictors of the dependent variables (LOS). It will easily provide me with the mean of the data, we know as µ = 6.84 while we look at the full 100-person data set. When grouped by gender, the 65 male participants have a mean of 6.32 and the 35 females participants have a mean of 7.8.

Which specific calculations will you need to perform your test? (This may require research.) You do not need to perform the calculations at this time; just state which ones you will perform.

In data we have observed the gender and their length of stay in the hospital. We will calculate the values again based on the assumption that they are independent. i.e. P (Gender length of stay) = P(Gender) P (Length of stay). These will be our expected values.

If they are independent these expected values will equal to the observed values (already with us in the form of raw data).

If they are different we will calculate how much difference is there between these two variables. By calculating the Chi square value, a then comparing it with standard values of chi at α level of significance and at a degree of freedom (r-1) (c-1) where r is the number of rows and c is the number of columns in the contingency table.

What types of graphs will be useful in explaining your results? Please be specific and include which variables will be used and how they will be broken down.

Some examples include a vertical bar chart showing the average age for each eye color, a scatter plot with height on the horizontal axis and weight on the vertical axis, etc. As both are independent variables in the form of nominal level data (i.e. male or female or other) a bar graph will be a better option to present the data (i.e. number of male and their average length of stay in the hospital etc.). We can also use a pie chart to represent the portion of male, female with the length of stay in the hospital.

If you chose any question other than the first one, you will have to research techniques that we have not learned about yet.

Which technique will you research?

(Only answer if you chose a question that does NOT have to do with gender and length of stay-the first question.)

What is your plan for researching this technique (timeframe and source)?

(Only answer if you chose a question that does NOT have to do with gender and length of stay-the first question.)

Reference - Gerstman, B.B. (2015). Basic biostatics: Statistics for public health practice. (2nd ed.). Burlingon, MA. Jones & Barlett Learning.

For this assignment -

Overview: Your task is to help the organization answer the health question by critically analyzing the data. You will run statistical tests, interpret the results, and present the results and recommendations to non-technical decision makers in the form of a statistical report. Keep in mind that it is your job to do this from a statistical standpoint. Be sure to justify your conclusions and recommendations with appropriate statistical support.

Prompt: In order to successfully explore the health question, you need to plan what tests you need to run. In Milestone Three, you will create a table in which you propose the calculations and graphs you will need to perform to answer the health question you are investigating. In crafting your table, consider the following:

Watch Choosing a Statistical Test (12:31).

  • What tests will you need to run?
  • If you are hypothesis testing, what are your null and alternative hypotheses?
  • Are there any tests that you want to use that you have not learned about yet? What are they? What is your plan for researching these tests?

Then explain why you chose these calculations to explore your health question.

Specifically address this critical element:

Process: Propose how you will go about answering the health question you were asked to address based on the data set provided.

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Reference no: EM131916416

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