What technologies and tools were used in the attack

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133535934


Using your favorite search engine conduct a search for one of the cyberattacks listed below. Your search will likely turn up multiple results ranging from news articles to technical articles.

  • Home Depot Security Breach
  • Target Credit Card Breach
  • The Stuxnet Virus
  • Sony Pictures Entertainment Hack
  • Anthem Data Breach
  • OPM Hack
  • Use (opens in new tab) to locate a Hack of interest.

Analyze the attack and include:

  • Who were the victims of the attacks?
  • What technologies and tools were used in the attack?
  • When did the attack happen within the network?
  • What systems were targeted?
  • What was the motivation of the attackers in this case?
  • What did they hope to achieve?
  • What was the outcome of the attack? (stolen data, ransom, system damage, etc.)

Reference no: EM133535934

Questions Cloud

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High level goals from your data analysis : Choose a healthcare organization and share its vision, mission and values statements. Create 2-3 high level goals from your data analysis.
What technologies and tools were used in the attack : What technologies and tools were used in the attack? When did the attack happen within the network?
Briefly describe the approach designed by the authors : What kind of problem is presented by the authors and why this problem is important? Briefly describe the approach designed by the authors.
Propose three strategic recommendations to address : Critically evaluate whether the companys communication mix demonstrates a strong or weak alignment to your findings in the first and second assessments
TED talk video-Dolly Chugh talks about bounded rationality : Dolly Chugh talks about bounded rationality Ms. Chugh suggests that, like our minds subconsciously processing eleven million pieces of information
Explore other educational opportunities in the meantime : Your friend Inez Garcia plans to attend college in the computer field in a few years, but she wants to explore other educational opportunities in the meantime.


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