What techniques can they use to improve the writing process

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Reference no: EM13952594


There are many people that are great critical thinkers, but are unable to translate their ideas to the keyboard. Sometimes they allow perfectionism to get in the way, while other times students are not strong writers. What is in their head does not translate to the paper. In what ways can you find a solution to people struggling? What kind of techniques can they use to improve the writing process?


For struggling writers, Bradley (2009) suggests that a learner use a de-constructing (reading) procedure that allows for evaluation and interpretation of educational literature. Additionally, Bradley (2009) suggests that the re-construction (writing) process advances the analysis of the literature allowing the researcher to provide personal interpretation.

The process of de-constructing a piece of literature is specific to the evaluative skills of the learner and may prove to be useful strategy for an academic author. The de-construction process allows for individual interpretation when identifying the correlation between several articles to occur, and articulating useful information to use in academic writing. When the de-construction of several pieces of literature have concluded, the learner should have identified themes and ideas to utilize as points of interest in writing. Additionally, for a struggling writer, graphic organizers and outlines assist in a sequential organization of the information to address confines of the assigned writing piece. Once critical findings have been identified and organized in writing, it is imperative the author include their personal perspectives that are derived from findings form the research.

Badley, G. (2009). Academic writing as shaping and re-shaping. Teaching In Higher Education, 14(2), 209-219. doi:10.1080/13562510902757294

To talk about critical thinking and read the information in this weeks assigned reading as well as articles about critical thinking in the educational application, realizing suddenly that I have two different ideas about critical thinking. Having worked for many years, and continuing to do so, in the nursing field, my initial reaction to define critical thinking is more action based; thinking quickly on my feet, making decisions in a matter of moments, analyzing cause and effect while a life and family hang in the balance. As a doctoral student, I define critical thinking as thinking outside of the box, obtaining more and in depth information regarding a subject, researching with different key terms, in different resources, and making the decision regarding the information to determine if it supports my theories and ideals.

While the application is different, the skills, characteristics, and practices are the same no matter how critical thinking is done. The understanding that there is information out there that provides more knowledge, more understanding, and crucial information regarding everything. Kelly (2014) explains that critical thinking is a way to combine theory and practice with the learning institution and the workplace. Perception of this definition, for myself, is that critical thinking should include information gained through education and through experience. This is how knowledge is gained, foundations are built, and standards expand. Kelly (2014) follows that definition by pointing out that not having answers is never the problem, it is when it is believed that there is nothing left to learn or need to know, that is the problem.

Saade, Morin, & Thomas (2012) state that the intention of all educators should be to lead the student/learner to be responsible and accountable for their own learning and acquiring the tools and skills needed. My perspective of critical thinking is thinking, analyzing, applying, reanalyzing, and identifying, solving problems, and continuing to gain new knowledge about practice. I believe that all aspects of my perspective are equally important because critical thinking is about a process, not about one single action. It is important to understand that our knowledge should never become stagnant. There is something to learn, gain, or change, always. However, the most important characteristic is having the drive to learn and apply. If that is not present, it would be my assumption that the other aspects would not be achieved.

Comparison, contrast, and synthesis are integrated into my view because there is a point, as I stated in my perspective, that information/practice must be reanalyzed in order to ensure that there is not current data or evidence-based practice that should be implemented to enhance or replace the previous. Critical thinking should include comparing old knowledge with new knowledge, contrasting what is different and deciding which is most appropriate, and synthesis of that information to improve practice. As a life-time learner and as a student at this level, critical thinking is present, and should be present, in every aspect of my day. Schedules, research, information, prioritization, etc. all requires that I use my critical thinking skills.

Kelly, S. (2014). Critical Thinking: Definitions of critical thinking. In A. DiVincenzo (Ed.), Find Your Purpose: The Path to a Successful Doctoral Experience. Available from https://lc.gcumedia.com/res811/find-your-purpose-the-path-to-a-successful-doctoral-experience/v1.1/.
Saade, R. G., Morin, D., & Thomas, J. D. E. (2012). Critical thinking in e-learning environments.

Computers in Human Behavior, 28(5), 1608-1617.


My approach to breaking down information into different parts does help me to better understand statements, concepts, questions, problems, and ideas. As I have gone through the different levels of higher education, and as a college nursing instructor, I recognize the different needs and abilities to understand information delivery and concept application. For myself, I learn through writing so I tend to break down questions line by line, or paragraphs line by line, in order to ensure that understand what is being asked, how something is being said, in what context a statement is made or a question is asked. My writing style is very much considered an outline. Prior to writing a paper, the first step for me is breaking up my paper with headings to identify each section that must be addressed.

Outlining helps me feel confident that I have not missed any aspect or area that is required. It also helps ensure that I don't miss a part of the information because I didn't recognize it as its own content or concept. Understanding through outlining makes me stronger and I feel much more organized with my studies, research, and assignments. I consider this process to be a natural one for myself because I was an outliner and list maker for as long as I can remember.

To know when to reach out and obtain information from different resources and gain new knowledge about a subject, Kelly (2014) correlates this concept with critical thinking by supporting the idea that engaging in learning processes throughout the entire educational and professional spectrums helps to integrate what we learn into what we practice. Outlining helps to identify an area that needs further information and research so that the process of doing so is broken down into parts. This makes the entire learning process feel less overwhelming and much more attainable.

Kelly, S. (2014). Critical Thinking: The means to inquire. In A. DiVincenzo (Ed.), Find Your Purpose: The Path to a Successful Doctoral Experience. Available from https://lc.gcumedia.com/res811/find-your-purpose-the-path-to-a-successful-doctoral-experience/v1.1/.


There are many people out there that have had a positive impact on our lives. We look up to them and try to follow their example, but many students begin to compare themselves to their inspirations and feel disappointed that they are not measuring up their standards. I encourage students to control what they can control and leave the rest. Everyone should critically reflect on their process and continue to learn from their successes, as well as their mistakes. Please note that I mentioned successes as well as mistakes. Many people believe in the philosophy of, "If it is not broke, then don't fix it." I agree with this phrase to an extent because most super productive people are always improving upon the things they are doing well. They do not, "rest on their laurels" but rather keep looking more efficient and effective ways to execute their goals. I would like you to reflect upon your strengths and tell us a couple things you can do better. And why?


My approach to breaking down information to obtain understanding is a three part process. First, I try to understand what caused the problem, why the statement was written or why the concept was created. This is accomplished by researching and asking questions. Once I have collected this information I would start my analysis process. During the analysis process, I would take the information from the information gathering process of step one to determine what happened and why it happened. I would also review alternative options for the situation. Finally, I would summarize my process, discuss my analysis, share my findings and complete an action plan.

Outlining can help me with this process. I would create a checklist within my outline to keep me on track. The outline would be a template that I could use for all research and analysis type projects. An outline would serve the purpose of keeping me organized and defining the process that I need to use for each situation. Wade (1995) lists as one of the activities to avoid emotional reasoning. An outline, which I would use as a template, would keep me on a path where I would not inject my feelings, traditions or emotions into my research, analysis or decision-making.

If I am performing research or reading an article and the concept is not clear - meaning I cannot create a summary, form an opinion or I do not have enough data to complete my task at hand, I seek out additional sources. In completing my analysis,if I do not feel comfortable with my level of understanding and cannot draw from my previous experiences, I dig deeper. I use a variety of sources. I use Google for definitions of terms to assist me with understanding definitions and some basic concepts. I use the library to search for additional articles on the topic. By completing this type of research, I can gather enough information to complete my task.

Wade, C. (1995). Using writing to develop and assess critical thinking. Teaching of Psychology, 22(1), 24-28.

Reference no: EM13952594

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