Reference no: EM133658909
Prioritization Lab Case Studies
You have the following team with you:
An experienced CNA with 5 years medical medical-surgical experience.
An LVN with 4 years of experience and is currently a senior in RN school.
You are the RN in charge of these five patients. You just received report on the patients. Which patient do you see first? What tasks can you delegate to the LVN and the CNA? How can you motivate your team to take care of all 5 patients effectively?
Patient 1:
87 year old female with Type II Diabetes admitted from the emergency department with a diagnosis of hyperglycemia secondary to an infected wound to left leg, with a fever of 101.4 in the emergency department, and a blood glucose of 450mg/dl. She received her first dose of Vancomycin 1 gm Q 24 hours in the emergency department, Tylenol for her fever, and Percocet for pain. She has an IV of 0.9% Normal Saline infusing at 75ml/hr. She was given 5 units of Regular Insulin SQ 30 minutes ago. The patient arrived to the unit 5 minutes ago and has not been seen by the unit staff.
Patient 2:
54 year old female admitted for Upper GI Bleeding yesterday. No prior history of any medical problems. She just returned from the GI lab after having and Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy. She was recovered by the GI lab with no problems. Report from the nurse she is awake, alert and oriented and VS Stable. Her labs this morning were as follows: Hgb 7.0 and Hct 21.5, RBC 2.0.
Patient 3:
A 49 male who is awaiting discharge instructions and for his ride to arrive after having right knee repair of lateral ligament. He is eating well, ambulating with crutches without difficulty and had pain medication 3 hours ago. He states he has pain 2/10 and otherwise feels okay.
Patient 4:
A 29 year old male admitted from the emergency department for pancreatitis, He is vomiting and screaming in pain. He received pain medication 20 minutes ago just prior to coming to the unit from the Emergency Department. The CNA took his vitals but is unsure if they are correct because the patient was vomiting and screaming in pain during the assessment.
You have the following team with you:
An experienced CNA with 5 years medical medical-surgical experience.
An LVN with 4 years of experience and is currently a senior in RN school locally.
You are the RN in charge of these four patients. You just received report on the patients. Which patient do you see first, what tasks can you delegate to the LVN and the CNA. How can you motivate your team to take care of all 4 patients effectively?