What strategy would you follow

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133819459

Assignment: Qualitative Analysis

I. How is the SDG you have chosen related to SDG 12? In addressing this point:

i. Refer to course materials, scholarly articles, and reputable sources for information on Responsible Consumption Production and the other SDGs.

II. How are your consumption patterns across various aspects of daily life, such as food, clothing, transportation, energy use, and waste generation related to the two SDGs? In addressing this point:

i. Consider the environmental and social impacts of your current consumption habits.

ii. Provide specific examples to illustrate your consumption habits and their implications.

III. Assuming you want to support the pursuit of these SDGs, what strategy would you follow? In addressing this point:

i. Do not provide a generic "laundry list" of actions any one person could do. Determine a SMART goal and an approach to achieving it that is unique to you. Consider your strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and challenges present in your life to determine what strategy would most likely lead you to becoming a more sustainable consumer.

ii. Consider other relevant stakeholders and how they would play a role in your strategy.

Reference no: EM133819459

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