What strategy is hugh using to improve his self control

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Reference no: EM131110446

1. Inhaling pepper causes a person to sneeze reflexively. In this example, pepper is the:
A. Unconditioned stimulus
B. Unconditioned response
C. Conditioned stimulus
D. Conditioned response

2. The core concept of classical conditioning involves:
A. A simple, innate response that occurs spontaneously, that is, without a stimulus
B. Association of a neutral stimulus with one that elicits a biologically relevant response
C. Changing conditioned stimuli and reflexes into unconditioned stimuli
D. Changes in behavior based on the consequences of particular responses

3. Which of the following schedules of reinforcement is the basis for gambling (slot machines)?
A. Fixed Ratio
B. Variable Ratio
C. Fixed Interval
D. Variable interval

4. After being bitten by a cocker spaniel, Rowena is fearful of that specific cocker spaniel, but she is not afraid of any other type of dog. Rowena is demonstrating:
A. Stimulus generalization
B. Variable ratio responding
C. Extinction
D. Stimulus discrimination

5. The person responsible for the procedure for studying classical conditioning was:
A. Ivan Pavlov
B. B.F. Skinner
C. Edward Thorndike
D. John Watson
E. Ozzie

6. In the classic "Little Albert" study, the child's fear of the white rabbit was the:
A. UCS (unconditioned stimulus)
B. CS (conditioned stimulus)
C. UCR (unconditioned response)
D. CR (conditioned response)

7. Smokers desperate to end their nicotine addiction, agree to have a chemical added to their normal brand of cigarettes that causes nausea and dizziness whenever the person puts a lit cigarette into his or her mouth. This treatment makes use of what classical conditioning phenomenon?
A. Spontaneous recovery
B. Stimulus discrimination
C. Trace conditioning
D. Conditioned Taste aversion

8. How are positive and negative reinforcement similar?
A. Neither of these contingencies affects response rates
B. Neither of these contingencies affects human behavior
C. They both increase the frequency of a particular response
D. They both decrease the frequency of a particular response

9. In the past, students who raised their hand to ask questions were given a warm, welcoming response from their instructor. Lately, the instructor has ignored students' questions. As a result, students have stopped raising their hands. In this example, hand-raising behavior has been:
A. Negatively reinforced
B. Punished
C. Extinguished
D. Chained

10. The application of operant learning principles to help mental patients change their abnormal behavior is called:
A. Learned helplessness
B. Computer assisted instruction
C. Behavior modification
D. Latent learning

11. A young child watches a Sesame Street character named "The Count" repeatedly count various objects. Later, that child goes around counting books, stuffed animals, and chairs. Such behavior demonstrates the power of:
A. Latent learning
B. Blocking
C. Biological preparedness
D. Observational learning
E. TV addiction

12. Albert Bandura's famous Bobo doll studies demonstrated that:
A. Television teaches aggressive behavior more effectively than it teaches non-aggressive behavior
B. Physical punishment can effectively reduce overly aggressive behavior in children
C. Children prefer to be rewarded for anti-social rather than pro-social behaviors
D. Children can acquire behaviors by watching others being reinforced for those behaviors
E. Children have a natural hatred for "Bobo dolls"

13. Pavlov found that a conditioned response would be stronger if:
A. The UCS was always presented before the CS
B. The CR always occurred before the UCR
C. There were many pairings of the CS and the UCS
D. The interval between the CR and UCR was only a few seconds

14. Negative reinforcement the likelihood of a behavior's being repeated, and punishment the likelihood of a behavior's being repeated.
A. increases; increases
B. increases; decreases
C. decreases; increases
D. decreases; decreases

15. Which of the following would be an example of a primary reinfocer?
A. Winning the Nobel prize
B. A college diploma
C. Money
D. Food

16. Hugh loves to play tennis. But because he is serious about doing well in college, he only goes to the tennis courts after he accomplishes his studying goals for the day. What strategy is Hugh using to improve his self control?
A. Precommitment
B. Stimulus control
C. Negative reinforcement
D. Self-reinforcement

17. B.F. Skinner shared the view of John Watson that Psychology should restrict itself to studying objectively observable behaviors, not mental processes.
A. True
B. False

18. Describe how classical conditioning can produce conditioned drug effects, including placebo responses.

19. Explain what mirror neurons are and discuss research on the role of mirror neurons in imitation and the role of observational learning in humans and other animals.

20. Explain the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment, and give examples of punishment by application and punishment by removal.

21. Give examples of how shaping, behavior modification, and other operant conditioning principles can be used to develop new behaviors.

Reference no: EM131110446

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