What strategies would you suggest for monica

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132947485

Monica has a Biology mid-term exam due by Saturday of this week. On the night before she plans to take exam, Monica has a hard time falling asleep and when she does, she has various nightmares about taking tests. The day of the exam, Monica decides not to eat anything, as she is afraid it will make her stomach upset. By the time she arrives at the testing center, Monica is irritable and negative about the exam. The slightest noise seems to bother her.

The testing center staffer directs Monica to a computer station and she takes a seat. Monica notices that her palms are sweaty and she is feeling nauseous, even though she hasn't eaten anything. She ponders for a moment, not taking the exam; but, it is Saturday and the deadline to take it is today. So, Monica begins the exam. Although she studied for the exam the previous week and spent the night before cramming, she can't seem to recall any of the information. Monica is suddenly drawing a complete blank. The ticking of the clock, other students shifting in their chairs is becoming distracting; and Monica's frustration level is quickly rising. Monica says to herself, "If you can't pass this exam, you might as well drop the course because you are no good at biology".

Monica continues with the test, checking the clock constantly as she fears she is going to run out of time; because she arrived an hour and a half before the testing center closes. Other students are finishing their exams and soon, she is the only student left in the testing center.

-What strategies would you suggest for Monica to deal with her test anxiety?
-What study strategies could she try to help her better prepare for her exams?
-How do you usually prepare for your exams? Do you experience test anxiety and if so, how do you combat it?
-What strategies from the StudentLingo video and/or e-book might you now consider using in preparing for or taking exams?
-How might the strategies relate to your preferred learning style?

Reference no: EM132947485

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