What strategies will be used to measure success

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133772940

Problem: Communication & Evaluation Plan

A. Communication Plan

Communication and Management Strategy: Your total communication plan should address the strategies and practices you will employ to communicate to the proper stakeholders at the proper times. In this section, you should detail your comprehensive approach for how you will communicate this change and its impact, how you will keep people informed of the project's progress, and how you will keep people informed of the project's ongoing results.

B. Evaluation Strategy: This plan for managing and measuring progress and success of your initiative should include the following:

A discussion of the specific goals and milestones of implementation of the initiative. Lay out your goals in a clear, obtainable fashion to ensure that progress milestones are clear, reasonable, and consistent.

Specific definitions of measures of progress toward obtaining the intended goals and a description of the tools that you would use to measure progress. What strategies will be used to measure success, and how will adjustments be made should progress toward these goals fall short or change?

How do you intend to collect and analyze information to ascertain stakeholder satisfaction with the initiative? What information will be looked at, and who are the stakeholders that will be considered?

Reference no: EM133772940

Questions Cloud

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