What strategies matt would need to embrace

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131712275

Case Study

Matt's Pool Hall and Bar is open 4pm to lam seven days a week

It has 5 Pool Tables and room for another 50-60 patrons

It hosts Pool Leagues Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings

Each League (evening) has 10 teams of 6 players each, and the games generally go from 7pm to midnight

The cost to play Pool is $2 per game (generally generating $60 per table per night)

Menu prices are

Beer/Wine               $5
Water/Soft Drinks    $2
Cocktails                 $10
Burgers                  $10
Pizza                      $10
Fries                      $5

Average check per Pool Patron is approximately $35 ($15 in Food and $20 in Beverage)

Average Revenue per evening---

























Food Cost runs 28.5%     Beverage Cost runs 21.5%    Labor Cost runs 20%

Matt's Pool Hall and Bar has been approached to host a Regional Pool Tournament for the weekend of November 11 & 12 (Saturday and Sunday) with 3 rounds of play (9am, 2pm & 7pm). Though this may sound like a no-brainer, the Regional Tournament Chairperson wants to charge Matt $1500 for the opportunity to host said event.

Assignment- Do an analysis of said opportunity and provide detail about what strategies Matt would need to embrace in order to maximize this event, including menus, pricing, etc. Your overview should be 3-4 pages of explanation with charts/tables, a P&L, etc. And....be prepared to present your findings or recommendations to the class in a 3--4 minute presentation. Remember to consider all the key steps in a 'Business Plan'.

Reference no: EM131712275

Questions Cloud

How you will position your new venture in the market : Using one of Porter's Generic Strategies, describe how you will position your new venture in the market: low cost or differentiation or both? Why?
Review problem of the neck sizes : Neck sizes again. Look again at the histogram of men's neck sizes in Exercise. Is the mean closer to 14, 15, or 16 inches? Why?
Discuss toxins transport to the environment : Describe the various mechanisms and pathways that toxins transport to the environment
Part of an integrated marketing strategy : What are some possible upsides to utilizing social media as part of an integrated marketing strategy, especially in digital marketing?
What strategies matt would need to embrace : Do analysis of said opportunity and provide detail about what strategies Matt would need to embrace in order to maximize event, including menus, pricing, etc.
Calculate the value of kb for base : A 0.075M solution of a weak base in water has a pH=11.21 at 25 degrees celsius . Calculate the value of Kb for this base
Analyze the value chain of your entrepreneurial venture : Analyze the value chain of your entrepreneurial venture by looking at structural (such as capital requirements) and executional drivers.
Find the mean or the median run time for all movies : Which would you expect to be higher, the mean or the median run time for all movies? Why?
Prepare the journal entries for each of the transactions : Prepare the journal entries for each of the transactions - The company entered into no other transactions that affected the shareholders' equity during 2015


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