Reference no: EM131973194
One of the objectives of COMS 130, as noted on the syllabus, is to foster your ability "to critically evaluate speeches-your own, those of your peers, and those outside the classroom-according to the rhetorical principles covered in this course." To foster this goal, you will write a self-reflection paper evaluating your performance and progress throughout the course.
In 1-2 pages (typed, double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman or Cambria font, 1 inch margins all around), assess your progress thus far this semester. Describe your improvement (or struggles to improve). What evidence, besides just your grades, indicates your progress (or lack thereof)? What strategies have helped you strengthen your skills? In your assessment, be sure to include specific details from the speeches you've prepared and delivered, and make reference to relevant concepts and principles discussed in class and in the course readings. Address at least one skill or behavior related to each of the following: speech preparation (topic selection, research, outlining), organization, content, and delivery. Additionally, discuss at least one skill or behavior you can continue working to improve for future speaking situations. Finally, concluding by discussing how the skills you have learned in this class will be useful for you in the future. Be specific! Think about specific career goals or other settings/occasions that may require you to speak publically.
Your paper should NOT have a complete introduction or intro and instead simply offer a brief synopsis at the beginning. 1-2 pages is not enough for a full intro and conclusion so do not bother. The quality of your writing will be evaluated, in addition to content. (See evaluation criteria below.)
Tips for formal writing:
• Do NOT use contractions.
• Your first paragraph needs a clear thesis!
• Be concise and clear. Do not use long phrases and complex words just to sound smarter. You will not.
• Read your paper out loud before turning it in. You will be surprised how many mistakes you catch!
• Double-check to make sure all sentences are complete and subjects and verbs agree.
• Never start a sentence with "It is"
• No passive voice.