What strategic alternatives would you suggest ikea

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13950259

a. Given the SWOT analysis presented in the case, what are IKEA's key competitive advantages? What strategic focus should the company take as it looks to further expand into the U.S. market?

b. What factor is the biggest reason for IKEA's growth and popularity: product value, service value, or branded image? Discuss the reasons for your answers. 

c. What strategies would optimize IKEA's sustained growth after it loses some cache?

d. What strategic alternatives would you suggest IKEA employ to further penetrate the U.S. market?

e. Speculate on what will happen at IKEA stores as they adapt to fit local tastes. Is the company's trade-off of service for low cost sustainable in the long term given the portfolio of products and services IKEA offers? 

Reference no: EM13950259

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