What steps were taken to overcome the cannibalization

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131717715


Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both.

A. Bad Boys, Inc. is evaluating its cost of capital. Under consultation, Bad Boys, Inc. expects to issue new debt at par with a coupon rate of 8% and to issue new preferred stock with a $2.50 per share dividend at $25 a share. The common stock of Bad Boys, Inc. is currently selling for $20.00 a share. Bad Boys, Inc. expects to pay a dividend of $1.50 per share next year. An equity analyst foresees a growth in dividends at a rate of 5% per year. Bad Boys, Inc. marginal tax rate is 35%. If Bad Boys, Inc. raises capital using 45% debt, 5% preferred stock, and 50% common stock, what is Bad Boys cost of capital?

B. If Bad Boys, Inc. raises capital using 30% debt, 5% preferred stock, and 65% common stock, what is Bad Boys cost of capital?

C. In your own words, identify two corporations that have dealt with cannibalization and what steps were taken to overcome the cannibalization. Please provide any citations and references. Please be articulate in your responses and see the definition and example of cannibalization below.

If a retailer like Gap opens a new store that is close to its existing stores, then the new store might attract customers who would otherwise buy from the existing stores, reducing the old stores' cash flows. Therefore, the new store's incremental cash flow must be reduced by the amount of the cash flow lost by its other units. This type of externality is called cannibalization, because the new business eats into the company's existing business.

Reference no: EM131717715

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